ROCKETBALL v2.0 Ok, I came out with a new version of this game. Instead of using a territories variants I decided to go with VIP. The rules are alittle different. Let me know if this idea has been done already. I need plenty of feedback on this. Rules: VIP is the batter. There are now five bases. Round ends when either all five bases are captured or the VIP dies. The VIP has alittle more speed and 2x shield, and turns white. The defenders stand behind the batter and defends him. The attackers stand behind the pitcher, only attack when the rocket has successfully been hit. Once rocket has been hit, kill or defend the VIP. Whoever has the most points at the end of 9 rounds wins. Map Variant |Game Variant Pictures: Batter's POV Pitcher's Mound I realize "Rocketball" is already the name for an Assualt Variant but it's the best name I could come up with.
yea I know but like I said I'm working on a 3.0 where you don't have to don't worry about honor rules.