ok heres my map i am new to this so ill try my best ok its a 3-3 map and met forking of the hill heres the game type Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing and now that thats taken care of heres the map Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing ok so heres my pictures i hope i dont screw up yeah heres the red spawn and blue and heres the first hill with spartan laser so heres what a side looks like heres the bottom with a ghost well heres a hiden area and some stairs so thats my map i hope i got everything corect if i didnt i will add um ok whell i dont no how to fix the pics but u first move up to the top area and you see its made out of fences so you can shoot through at the bottom theres a sword and theres 2 shotguns teleporters moving you up and down and cover going through to the top a over shield and some personal touches like doors its v2 cause i edited the spawn and the bottom hill weapons list 2 shotguns 1 sword 1 spartan laser 4 smg 1 carbine 1 sniper 2 battle rifle 1 brute shot 2 spikers 1 sentinal beam 2 machine gun turrets 1 needler 1 bubble shield 1 deployable cover 1 regenerater 1 flare and 1 usable over shield grenades 2 sticky 2 fire bomb vehichles 1 ghost
3 of your pictures came out small, but the map seems well built. A better description would of helped though. Also if you are nervous about your pictures coming out wrong, first do a preview instead of posting right away.
um ok whell i dont no how to fix the pics but u first move up to the top area and you see its made out of fences so you can shoot through at the bottom theres a sword and theres 2 shotguns teleporters moving you up and down and cover going through to the top a over shield and some personal touches like doors
Your pictures are real small, some are big though,But its called Dead Centre V2 and its made for 3 v 3, I thought it was Infection. :S I don't think I'm going to download though. Sorry.
Don't double post lol and edit your first post instead of making a new post. Also try to remember what you did different with the big pictures then the small.
You havent really told us much about ur map. Maybe you could tell us weapons and some more pics and a bigger description.
The last picture is interesting. Do the power do something or are they actually usable? The map on the other hand uses merging to the extent that it looks good but could be. I do believe that you are capable of better. I like the feel, but it could just be better. Keep Forging!
Looks nice! A wepon list would have helped a little, I also think it could be a little better, but itz great! I like the idea off the teleporters in the mid of the map! It looks really good for a 3v3 map! Nice job! Keep forging plz...LOL