Okay so I started with this tut Colorful Forum Signature Tutorial | Forum Signatures | Tutorialgod and then deviated and mixed it up and I think it turned out fantastic so here it is... Please give me Constructive Criticism and tell me how you like it. Since some people were saying since I used a tut it isn't my work this is the final outcome for the tut. They don't really look that much alike so I can say I made mine. This above sig is not mine. Okay so here it is with no render. Here are two with a anime characters like Sdrakulich suggested. Here is one with the text mirrored.
im sorry, but you gotta get over the fact that you dont make REALLY GOOD SIGS.....i dont wanna be offensive or anything, but yeah.....you gotta not use that render.....it doesnt go at ALL with the sig
The render doesn't fit with the signature. You can be proud of what you make, but if you state something like "really good sig" you are going to get flamed, because some people probably don't like what you do. I would suggest for a bright sig like that, you find a bright render to equal what the sig is supposed to be It kinda seems outta place when you use it in there...
it snot that i think its a terrible sig, i just think that the title doesnt go WITH the sig....thats all.....well, i like the background, and could make for some good parigin with anime characters!
I personally think you don't even need a render with that, just add some mirror effects with the text and I think it would look really cool.
No, the master chief does not fit in wih the happy/bright colors. Also don't like the random pen marks that go along with it. Also, since you just followed a tut, this isn't even your work.
Yeah... I just kind of threw the render on because at the layer I was at it wasn't really looking like a great sig I was gonna keep and I didn't want to hunt for one so I just put that on. Then I went back and changed it a lot and it looked a lot better but I still felt lazy. I will probably post more versions.
I don't like the title of the post but the outcome of the tutorial was nice. But yeah mirror the text and no render it will look better.
Okay, here is how: First you have to Rasterize the text by simply going to Layer>Rasterize>Rasterize Text. Now you have 1 Rasterized layer of text and now you must duplicate that layer; Layer>Duplicate Layer. Now select the layer you duplicated and go to Edit>Transform>Flip Vertical Now with that layer move it so it looks like it is mirrored and then turn down the opacity of the mirror image.
you dont necessarily have to rasterize it, you can press ctrl T and right click the inside....and say flip horizontal... (after duplicating it)