Hey guys/gals, im looking for someone to help me make maps...... it would be appreciated if u have true knowledge that u r good, can do certain 'forge glitches' and play for at least 4 hours a week, preferably over 14 years of age. if ur interested get back to me and thanks!
4 hours a week? that must be a hell of a map! unless you have a few good ideas of course. I'd be happy to help. GT; o FallDamage o
Jolly good, my maps dont usually take ages, it depends more when im on xbox live..... i send u a friend request when possible. my GT is, i quote, 'Overthehodge'. u might be better than me though and im workin on a map later. however im @ work now(work experience in my break). alright M8 thanks again.
oh BTW, not online friday-sunday as im in Sweden watchin' the world rally..... it gonna be immense! cheers!
This surely is off topic but where are you from overthehodge? I live in Sweden, and I come from Hagfors (One of the towns the rally is located in). And about the map, could you please explain what kind of map you have in mind?
I'm an exceptional forger, and, depending on what kind of map you're making, I'd be glad to help. I'm online on the weekends normally, and this weekend I'm gonna probably be spending somewhere around 12 or 13 hours on my Minas Tirith map that I'm planning out right now, but if you can get me when I'm stuck on Minas Tirith I'll help you out.
wow gorebound, im in england but i will be stayin in karlstad at the gustaf froding hotel.... I will be in hagfors on friday, saturday and sunday travelling to different stages. I will quickly explain my map types, I have made some great slayer maps in the past for lone wolves and am a fan of neutral assault maps..... if u wanna help me i'll give u a tour of my good maps so u get a better idea. just send me a friend request. BTW its 8:15pm in england at the moment so im online now. Cheers lads!
Overthehodge... there is a modify button above each of your own posts... please use that next time...