All you need to really do is edit this map and gametype. It would pwn the current Bunker Hill that's been entered.
Sweet Jesus this thing looks great. I'm yet to even play it but just by the looks it's got two thumbs up from me.
This is a great map. Unbelivably well made. That hill looks so good. Although I hope this is not for Shell Shocked. And also the majority of the battle of Bunker Hill was actually on Breed Hill, still this is great.
were not really trying to portray the battle its just a name because its a hill and there are bunkers in it
I loved the concept of the map, but the inside of the it was HORRIBLE. No offense. I spruced it up a little. The inside is larger, cleaner, and more entrances were added (so you couldn't camplike in version 2 where there was only 1 entrance). I made use of that side passage you had and made it weapons human only (and brute shots to represent grenade launchers) if this were to be entered into some sort of, oh, i dont know, contest or something.
oh well ok but well i mean post pics or it aint going anywhere and if you enter that in the contest then some one will be hurt for stealing a little too much
I wasn't suggesting I enter it by myself. Also, I can't post pics now, you just have to go with your gut on this one. And I also fixed the ledges you had on the walls that would be jumped up to.
well i mean i will check it out but it will be going on my fileshare if i like it ok. you will get credit though. Only if i like it. If i dont like it then im sorry but you can help us with our new project
Idk, you should have asked before editing it, I feel as if you stole the map, even though you didn't. It's not mostly your work, so if you wanted to claim it as your own you would need to rebuild it entirely from scratch
Yea so i will check it out ok ninni its just due to reasons can you maybe edit your posts to take of the link ok if it is good i will post it with credits including you on it. I sent u a friend request so we can check it out together ok. Be on Friday
The reason I edited it was because I wanted to make it better. You shouldn't think I was taking credit for it. If i were I would have made a new thread instead of posting it in here. (Plus I did change over half of the objects so technically...) Also I can't help but wonder how you will make a decision if you don't actually download the map...there are zero downloads.