Powder Keg Map: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=17085415 Recommended Gametype: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=17084897 The bottleneck in the first room: [img width=800 height=450]http://student.vfs.com/~3d52jacob/20542575-Full.jpg[/img] Caught in the switchback: [img width=800 height=450]http://student.vfs.com/~3d52jacob/20796686-Full.jpg[/img] The platform jump room: [img width=800 height=450]http://student.vfs.com/~3d52jacob/20523246-Full.jpg[/img] The exploding tunnel: [img width=800 height=450]http://student.vfs.com/~3d52jacob/20528569-Full.jpg[/img] The roof finally caves in: [img width=800 height=450]http://student.vfs.com/~3d52jacob/20747266-Full.jpg[/img] The armory: [img width=800 height=450]http://student.vfs.com/~3d52jacob/20799236-Full.jpg[/img] The final stand: [img width=800 height=450]http://student.vfs.com/~3d52jacob/20747637-Full.jpg[/img] The zombie cage: [img width=800 height=450]http://student.vfs.com/~3d52jacob/20797561-Full.jpg[/img] This is a infection based map. Humans must escape an exploding base before they get caught up in the inferno. Timed explosions are set to go off at 20 sec 30 sec 45 sec 60 sec and finally the roof falls in at 90 sec. Humans have to be fast and proficient jumpers to survive the initial run. Any human that dies in the blasts will respawn in the zombie cage. The cage is small but provides some places to hide briefly before the alpha zombie finds the downed humans. There is a teleporter that provides an exit from the zombie cage, but doesn't become unblocked until 90 sec. (THIS IS IMPORTANT TO TELL TO THE PEOPLE YOU'RE PLAYING WITH!!!). Any humans that survive the inferno have a few seconds to grab weapons from the armory before the horde of converted zombies descends upon them. If the humans can fend off the first wave of zombies, they can make their up to the roof of the structure where more weapons and equipment will aid their survival. oh yeah and don't shoot the fusion cores unless you want to screw over your teammates!
Re: Powder Keg -- Escape the Timed explosions! wow. great, creative concept. Fantastic post, looks balanced. I'm gonna DL fore sure. EDIT: [nitpicking]I noticed the humans have 2 grav lifts, which in my experince, rarely help. If u ever have budget problems, delete those first. You could also make the links look better. Theres a topic somewhere that has the code needed for named links.[/nitpicking] seriously dude... very nice first map.
Re: Powder Keg -- Escape the Timed explosions! WoW! That looks really good. I love the asthetic qualities of this map too. I saw the picture of the pallet hallway and gasped. Im serious! I can barley beleive this is your first map. Kepp up the good work!
Re: Powder Keg -- Escape the Timed explosions! That looks like a lot of fun. Ill download. Make more.
Re: Powder Keg -- Escape the Timed explosions! wow, i just played thisand its really fun, you should make more
I think it's mainly a reward for making it through the map without dieing, and stockpiling weapons on maps made specifically for zombies variants isn't bad. EDIT: I played it and I don't like it, the instantly respawning fusion coils made me lag, but I only played it on forge.
Wow, great idea, beautiful map and post. However, I do support the animosity towards weapons caches. It simply appears unprofessional. If you do have a cache, try not to have many of the same weapons in the same place, and consider leaning some up against the wall beneath them, to make it more natural. The map itself is original and looks like a lot of fun. A warm welcome to ForgeHub!!!
This is fantastic. It is innovative AND creative AND fun! The long narrow pallet tunnel looks even cooler when you actually see it in game. Good post dude. - Brute Captain
Cool map! It looks great, especially with being timed to get to the safe area before the zombies come.
Wow that's way clever. we should make this into a gametype like "escape-the-burning-building-b4-the-zombies-eat-your-brains" mode. I really want to attempt a variant like this sometime. I g2g and eat tomato soup
Pretty neat... I really like the low ceiling tunnel with the pallets as floor, I believe you called it the exploding tunnel so that gives me a good picture of pallets flying around as you try to make it across... Something I have seen before but not in this manner... - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck: