Hahaha, so are you handing me the win? Tex, I was wondering if your coming closer to finishing, if your on your last couple of maps, or if the lazy mapmakers contest is being done by lazy graders?
The second one, lawl... I'm actually going to start judging tonight, I've just been so damn busy lately...With work, TGIF, moderating...etcetc...
Tex there is a strange flu or soemthing going around which seems to cause people to see grav lifts accidentally left on instant respawn in maps. If you do see this I think it is best ignored, being able to flood a small map with many grav lifts isn't a flaw in any way. Thats all I have to say on the matter.
Ah, I wish I could be apart of this. I don't have my x box anymore. I'll get a new one in like a week tho. Last entry I posted was **** lol. Mainly because I made that map right when I started forging lol. FH Lazy Map makers 3 perhaps?
Oh yay, its Scopulus! And Tex, don't wrry about it, I was just wondering when I can put the victory banner in my sig, now or l8r?
'ts no big deal. Especially if there are dumpsters on the map. Then someone gets a splatter out of thin air and everybody's happy.
hahahaha not the person who gest splattered by a dumpster while already in mid air because some noob isthrowing grav lifts everywhere, hahaa dont worry abou it mallet, theres still no way to get out of your mapy you built it too high up.
my map is impossible to get out of, even on forge (unless you delete something, duhhh) but yah the walls are really high, so im not worried about people getting out, but im just worried about how its a little messy :/
iy says you began testing and grading 2 days ago tex, but i r anxious, and it feels like two years, so hopefully your coming close.
Just be patient guys, tex and the rest of the crew have a lot more than just playing on our maps to do. We'll find out who the winners are sooner or later. Give it time. Oh, well, speaking of time... In the mean of it. You can watch a video my freind made for my entry. http://img532.imageshack.us/img532/6286/judithxh4.flv
Yeah? Well here's a video of my entry. MEAH JK, but I did make that. Just thought I'd provide some entertainment in these long, gut-wrenching judgement days.
lol, well, in the spirit of videos here is my crappy Gamevee one =D GameVee.com | Halo 3 Video | XBox 360 Video | LSD Island Preview
psht, my mapp doesnt need a video to impress...but one would be nice to show off...if i only knew how.
*Hibiki tries to sound like Bloumbas... and fails.* Uh... yeah! My map doesn't need no fancy video! It's better than that.... >_>; ...I think....
Oh God...... Vorpal and I have started a spam trend. Let us pray to God that Tex is too busy grading maps to see it. But just so this post doesn't get counted as processed pork butt as well, I will ask our favorite mod on earth how the maps are looking. Are they good/bad/high quality/low quality/amazing/horrific/seizurematic/coma-inducing?
Eh, yeah, I didn't mean to start something like that. I just thought it'd be a cool idea. Now, now Felipe. Knowing the final judgment before we're to find it shouldn't be spoiled early. We'll find out soon enough. (Oh, and I must say, I checked out your map, and I think it'll win most Aesthetically pleasing map ~It's like Ire of Fire, but with no interlocking...and no dragon. xD) Oh, and if the winners do get featured, then that'll make you a premium. =D So I hope you win it. ^_^
I havent seen everyone else's maps, just a few. So I'm not sure of my competition. I R gun Pwn all ya'll! Nah, jk. Or am I? I asked Tex a while ago and he told me that it'd take a while to get it all done, because of other things going on. All I know is that this one will be much better than the original.
Yeah. Though less people signed up, people took it more serious. I've seen your map linny. I think it has a good shot.
I've seen your map, vorpal. I think it also has a great shot. I havn't seen a changing map since sniper pit. And those have to be hard to do without interlocking.