I have taken many screenshots with what I call the Dark Effect on.(See Sig) Many people ask how it works. 1) Have two people in the party. 2) Host go Moniter, and spawn a Grav Hammer. STAY IN MONITER. 3) On the count of 3, have Host Moniter and Client Human pick up the hammer at the exact same time. 4) Spin the Hammer until the Client's Arms fly off. 5) Turn into human WITHOUT deleting the Hammer. 6) Have Client Swing the hammer. 7) Watch in Slo-Mo in theater, and take the shot! EDIT: Here's Dark Foundry. If you already know this, then whatever. Don't make me feel bad by saying "this is so old and you know nothing." or "you stole this from me!" I didn't STEAL this from anyone. I figured it out myself. If you already knew, then ok. My Sig has the Dark Foundry Screenshot link as an example, and I'm trying to post another, as soon as I can Get on B.net. So have fun with my guide here. Take some cool screenshot with this effect! EDIT1: I found out that when doing the Blue Room effect on Snowbound, and the dark effect at the same time, you get some interesting results! i have 1 screenshot on my fileshare and soon to be on this post here. Here it is:
sooo, does the whole map go like that just from thta, or what....cuz i dont really see how you couldve gotten the whole map like that, oooohhh unlesss the client was up there, and then swung it!
Thats awesome. I've always wondered how people did that. I think I'm going to go do that sometime. Like someone above me asked: does this effect the whole map?
Pretty cool, great find. And I have two questions: If you DL a canvas like this, does it still work with the dark effect? And does it only work like when you do it, you have a dark map, aight? Then load it again, is it still dark?
no, it's only for the instant you swing. it does affect the entire map for that instant, and for the full effect, pause the film right at the beginning of the swing. it will be the darkest at this point. Hope this helps! thanks for the comments
we were messing around in forge, doing the no arm glitch on Foundry, and i figured it out while watching the film back in theater. weird, huh? lol
Yea lol. But like, when halo came out and forge was here, i wonder why some kids were just like "hey, i'm the host, let me put down a weapon and you pick it up at the same time as me, then if anything happens i'll just spin the weapon around and try to rip your arms off"
I also found a way to make everything dark: Stick an invisible person (works best) go into theater mode and move into the top middle point of the explosion. Ta-da! Darkness (Found on guardian while recording a stick)
yeah, this may be true, but my method affects the entire map so you can take a lanscape without any explosions or people or anyhting like that. i mean, you could stand anywhere, especially in the place you ARE NOT taking the screenshot... or does your method do the same?
yeah, i guess it's easier to do, but still... BTW! Check out the first post again! i added an extra little tidbit
if you do that exact method thing on black out, when the hammer guy swings its kills everyone on the map no matter where thay are unless there surrounded my barriers bericaded