Looking for people to help me make a great map.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by FaTaL InJeXioN, Aug 17, 2008.

  1. FaTaL InJeXioN

    FaTaL InJeXioN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm looking for 1-3 players willing to help me make a fun and scary (Infection?) map. The reason I put parentheses and a '?' around the word 'Infection' is because the gametype will not technically be Infection but follows the SAME, EXACT CONCEPT. *UPDATE:* The map WILL be Infection! Originally the plan was that the players would have to reach a destination as if it were VIP Escort, but then we would not have zombies. Instead we have decided to make the destination the "pipe cave" and left a surprise... That's all I'm saying for now. I live in Eastern USA, so others in my time zone are preferred but all may offer to help (of course!). As I don't want to reveal any of the features or gameplay of my soon-to-be-built map, I'd like you to add me, FaTaL InJeXion,as a friend so I go dicuss what we are about to be building.

    What I CAN reveal is that it will be based on Ghost Town, will work best with 8-16 players, and... well, let's just say that the humans have to GET somewhere - safely. ;) It will NOT be anything like Pirate Sharks or Fat Kid, and will NOT take place in a maze. It's something that no one in the history of Forge has thought of (or at least to my current knowledge). I have names in mind for the gametype and map, but that will be decided after it has been finished.

    Btw this is my first time posting on ForgeHub but definitely not my first visit, and especially not my first time making a map.


    My resume:

    -Has been playing Halo since "Halo: Combat Evolved"
    -Creative forger
    -Likes to keep maps NEAT
    -Likes to build competitive maps (ie. [Team] Slayer, CTF) and casual maps (Infection, "impossible" mazes, jails [for Cops and Robbers])
    -Knows how to float objects with the "Hold, Save, and End Game" method
    -Has yet to master the magic of interlocking
    -Does NOT leave aesthetics and the end of the list


    ***My posting rules:***

    1) Give your gamertag and time zone, and maybe some examples of maps you have made (possibly a URL?)
    2) WAIT! Don't only do that! You ALSO have to send me a friend request. Just posting will not get you anywhere, as you must add ME, I won't add YOU.
    3) I will no longer be taking requests after August 22nd, which by then I will have started making the map by myself.

    EDIT: (in addition to the above) Or I may just scrap this whole "help me forge an awesome map" idea completely and start it myself before then.
    #1 FaTaL InJeXioN, Aug 17, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2008
  2. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
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    Welcom to ForgeHub!
    This thread belongs either in the Forge Discussion thread, or the Map Testing Thread.
    Please PM a mod to move it for you!
    thank you!

    although, I would like to help out with this, or at least see what its about.
    when you get this moved PM me.
  3. FaTaL InJeXioN

    FaTaL InJeXioN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok I've asked SargeantSarcasm to move it. In the meantime, if you'd like to help: thanks! Add me on XBL and I'll send you the map info. I'll be online in about two minutes but I'll also be waiting for others to help. By then, I'll start up Forge, invite whoever's currently online, and discuss how things will go down.

    If anyone else wants to help, just say so.
  4. drak

    drak Ancient
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    mods plz move to general halo discussion!
  5. Halostar317

    Halostar317 Ancient
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    I would absolutely love to help you. I only forge when i'm bored, when i do that i usually a very sloppy. But when i put my mind to it i can create some great maps.

    I completely fit the resume, and Infection is one of my favorite gametypes.

    My best map has 4 edits, and its Retillium 4.0.

    Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing

    I also have Valley Forge, which was made way back when.

    Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing

    I will add you like right now.

    Don't let my post count make you think differently of me, I really would really love to help you.
  6. FaTaL InJeXioN

    FaTaL InJeXioN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I've already asked a mod to move it, and it's going to be in Forge Discussion, not Halo Discussion (if not already).


    Thanks for all the people who offered to help. So far we have:

    McJAGGE07X (not from ForgeHub)
    TBs FoUnDaTioNz

    That should be enough, but I will keep everyone posted if there is a change. ***I edited my first post, please re-read!***
  7. version2

    version2 Ancient
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    I will help if you still need help do you¿¿¿???¿¿¿???
  8. FaTaL InJeXioN

    FaTaL InJeXioN Ancient
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    Not really but if for some reason I do, I'll surely ask for your help.
  9. Crocdude3

    Crocdude3 Ancient
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    ill help my gt is SG wesleybrgg and i love infection i will gladly help!!!
  10. FaTaL InJeXioN

    FaTaL InJeXioN Ancient
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    Sorry don't need any more help. But I'll ask you if I do.
  11. Corey D97

    Corey D97 Ancient
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    I know u dont need any more help but if for some reason you do My gt is Corey D97 i dont have any url's for any of my maps but i have a remake of foundry (its not that good) n thats about it that r ok apart from just messin around making bases n stuff but if i had some inspiration then i could probably make some good maps... i realy like infection games and maps..
  12. FaTaL InJeXioN

    FaTaL InJeXioN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ATTENTION: I've scrapped the whole idea and I'm going to make a Foundry Obstacle Course Infection map. Similar to Sabre's Journey, which is awesome although I haven't downloaded it yet.

    *I'M NOT ACCEPTING HELPERS ANYMORE, BUT THANKS FOR YOUR OFFER. I realized it was a lot easier just to make the map myself because everyone has their own ideas, likes, and dislikes.*
  13. CD Shot 47

    CD Shot 47 Ancient
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    Yeah, I won't be one making it, but i'll let you know if i find a map that you might be after.
  14. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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  15. FaTaL InJeXioN

    FaTaL InJeXioN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Mod, please lock or delete.

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