Create a new vehicle, weapon, power-up, equipment, map, whatever!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mr. Skittles, Jul 4, 2008.

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  1. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    I'll put this one as a short simple one.

    Covenant Style Remote Detonation Sticky Grenade (do I really need to explain?)

    Obviously the same as a sticky grenade, but you can detonate it by pulling the left trigger again. This can cause more kills when the timing is right, but your enemy could get accidentally killed by a teammate if... killed or if the grenade is shot. There is no way to survive if you are the one who is stuck and it detonates.
  2. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    Okay, its like a needler, but after eight needles get into someone, thats a traking beacon, and a spartan laser/ hammer of dawn type thingcomes down out of the atmosphere, and vaporisez the target
  3. Your Poncho97

    Your Poncho97 Ancient
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    I would make a different type of wraith with double turrets
    i would also make the needler not pink
  4. T1MOTHY95

    T1MOTHY95 Ancient
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    Name: Panther
    Role: used to take out infantry in icy and sandy places
    Speed: 250 mph (max. speed 300 mph if driven too fast it can overheat and end up in fireworks display for covenant)
    Description: Four wheeled vehicle, armor better than warthog, light, agile, and fast
    Crew: 1(+ 1 gunner)
    Weapons: 2 fifty cal. machine guns and gauss turret
  5. Ocean Man

    Ocean Man Ancient
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    Equipment : Decoy
    Looks like: A holo-pad that you throw on the floor.
    What it Does: Creates a hologram Spartan that runs forward then resets animation.
    Pros: Confuse foes from long range. Waste people's ammo.
    Cons: Easy to spot it as a Decoy because it has a static hologram image and It resets the animation.
  6. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    Name: Don't really know, yet.
    Type: UNSC.
    Description: This small, hand-size mobile like weapon, is a massive destroyer.
    It can destroy anything up to Pelican size, leaving everyone vulnerable for it.


    To use this weapon, you must aim at the target and load it, then it send a radio signal to the UNSC local base and they send missiles, coming, and ready to destroy the target.


    I kinda got the idea from BF: Bad Company. :)
  7. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    as fast as a mongoose
    size is between a warthog and a mongoose
    one turret firing forwards, but main armament is just two giant diamond-tipped drills.
    Kind of a human chopper but (pro) drills give wider splatter capability and (con) theres only a one barreled 50 cal turret.
  8. Nan0teck

    Nan0teck Ancient
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    Type: Equipment
    Class: Human
    Name: Deployable Autoturret
    Description: When deployed, the Autoturret will automatically fire at any enemies within a specific range. The turret has the same properties as the Machinegun Turret, but without a tripod and is unmanned. The Autoturret can be deployed anywhere, and with adhesive properties, it can stick to walls and ceilings.

    Damage: Same as Machinegun Turret
    Rate of Fire: Same as Machinegun Turret
    Accuracy: Same as Machinegun Turret
    Turret Ammo: 200 Rounds

    The turret can be easily shot down or destroyed with any weapon/explosive. If it runs out of ammo before it is destroyed, it will automatically self-destruct.
  9. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Pocket Halos

    A little halo in ur pocket that destroys all life forms near you. (Hopefully you have no allies) XD
  10. Rogue Shadow IV

    Rogue Shadow IV Ancient
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    Dude that a retarted idea you would kill everything even you!
  11. Snipers Stealth

    Snipers Stealth Ancient
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    Equipment: Portable Teleporter
    Role: When deployed, it takes you to the nearest reciever/two-way node. If there are no teleporters, it takes you to your base.
    Reason: Gets you out of hot-spots, move around faster.
    Features: When deployed, it comes up like a teleporter, but its red. It stays up for 5 seconds, in order to allow chase/team follow.

    This thread is awesome.
  12. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    I know its retarded it was supposed to be funny.
  13. Rogue Shadow IV

    Rogue Shadow IV Ancient
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    Type: Gernade
    Class: Cov.
    Name: Sticky Seed
    Description: When sticked onto the other player that person can not move at all for 3 seconds. One way to no get sticked by this awsome Seed is to fire your gun at it before it hits you if you can time it right. The seed will plan itself onto your armor and spread vines all around you holding you in place.
  14. Rogue Shadow IV

    Rogue Shadow IV Ancient
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    Type: Weapon
    Class: Human
    Name: Delta Sniper
    Description: The bullet is a sniper bullet but its power is a needler. If you get a head shot it is really funny the bullet goes in the head and makes an explosion in it. For example the explosion is like a needler sends you flying only in the head other places it does the same as a needler one shoot would equal half of what it takes to kill you with a needler.
  15. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    I am sorry to act like this, but c'mon people. Make some good ideas. My favorite are vehicles, but make something that would actually occur in halo. Here is a good example of a vehicle:

    Light two wheeled motorcycle
    Very light armor plating.
    Weaponry: One ballistic armor piercing anti-tank mine.
    Crew: 1 driver
    How it works: You press RT to place mine. It automatically releases and embeds itself into the ground. It does not get activated, only when something comes within 1 foot of it. LT enables a slight nitrous boost from the tailpipe, allowing a quick getaway from the mine (takes 2 seconds to arm). Mine is not detectable except by radar, but it only appears if you are within 2 feet of it, allowing for some explosive fun. LB enables small whine-like horn. RB enables short length ballistic shield to cover the Ocelot's driving seat for four seconds (used for say a quick movement through hostile areas). Mines are limited (ten per Ocelot) and require a full 15 seconds to reload.
  16. Catmon

    Catmon Ancient
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    The UNSC could always use some heavy vehicles.
    You could have an anti-infantry flamethrower tank called a Gorilla.
    Another version could lob/drop fragmentation grenades instead.

    I think it would need a driver and a gunner just to be fair. Flamethrowers and frag grenades are devastating to infantry and light vehicles.
    Speed on the slow side? Also a trade for heavy weaponry.

    Mounting the flamethrower on a vehicle would make it much more practical.
    The Gorilla's armour would have to be flame-retardant to protect it from itself.

    Is it a cliche' idea or could this work?
  17. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Oh, I am doing that Gorilla one

    High-powered incendiary flamethrower-mounted low speed tank
    Crew: Two (Driver and flamethrower gunner)
    Speed: 27 MPH
    Armament: High powered incendiary 20 foot lick flamethrower.
    This slow tank was used to mow down rank by rank to burn the enemies to a crisp. But it is highly flammable, and if it hits itself or a flame touches the tanks back engine exhaust, the entire hulking Gorilla goes up in a ball of flame.
  18. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Brute Sniper

    Type: Weapon
    Class: Brute
    Style: Sniper Rifle
    Name: Spike Rifle
    Description: A Brute sniper rifle that has similar characteristics of the human sniper rifle, but only 2 shots per clip, then a quick reload.
    Damage: Same as other snipers
    Bounce Damage: Same damage
    Rate of Fire: Same as human sniper
    Accuracy: 100%
    Clip Size: 2 Shots
    Total Amount Able to be Carried: 20 shots
    Reload Time: 1.5 seconds

    Pros: Quick reload time.

    Cons: Small clip size.
  19. Crazy Drunkard

    Crazy Drunkard Ancient
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    The Anteater
    Light Tricycle shaped machine UNSC
    Crew: 1
    Speed: same as unboosted ghost
    The Tricycle has a long piece of metal on the front shaped like a scoop to pick up candy. When you boost the vehicle will immediatly splatter any person that is hit by taking their feet out from under them and smacking them into the metal. When not boosting other vehicles can use it as a ramp but when it's boosting the front end will act kinda like the brute chopper and K/O vehicles
    History: used for cleaning up lone grunts on the battlefield by driving around and chopping them in half it adapted to chopping the feet off of the much taller elites LOL
  20. Aesthetic Forger

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    a assault rifle that isnt as retarted in the way it can spam bullets until someone dies. basically an assault rifle with a bigger crosshair so you cant spray people from miles away and kill them. oh and smg that isnt useless wen it comes to actually killing someone and not taking out their shields
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