upon learning most people around here like pokemon,I decided to make this thread. just post who your favorite pokemon is and why. For me its a tie between blazican and infernape,because they've been my starters for the past two genarations and infernape is a flaming monkey.
Charmeleon. He's like the brother noone likes or talks about in the charmander family. Noone wants to be a charmeleon. They want to evolve into a charizard and learn fly in order to travel to different pokemon centers with ease. In that way, he knows that if he hangs out with you, he had better be cool or you will evolve his ass (which is probably really painful. All those growth pains in 5 seconds???) and make him a charizard. Then he has to ferry you around to pokemon centers. ^Also, PIKACHU!
first to say mudkipz but rly, charmander was pro. *EDIT* lol wtf the first two people went charixard charmeloen I didn't do that on purpose hah
Um my fav is hard maybe Blastous he was my fav orignal also i got shiny pigy and he became one of my most badass pokemon
Lol the pic shows that pikachu is epic! But i love nearly all the pokemon but i liked zapdos (sp?) from the first pokemon games!
all of them except the first 150 are P-H-A-I-L after the first 150 they all started sucking I like blastoise, because he had 2 guns on his shoulders. A turtle WITH GUNS!
QFT. My Charizard was BlastOISE killer. I had a pikachu once, his weakness, was pokemon. ALL POKEMON. Charizard, a lizard, with WINGS! Digimon was just as cool. There should be another thread about that.
I have a few that have fond memories ...... These are the pokemon from each generation that I've felt were worth getting to lv100 with. 1st Gen I played with all three starters and I found that my Venesaur was the first to get to lv 100 then Blastoise, then Charizard (not quite sure how that worked out). But my very first 100 was a Dragonite (Dragonite FTW!!!) and I also had an Electrode (it's a freakin timebomb) and a Tauros that were all 100s. Those were the only ones worth raising in my opinion. 2nd Gen Steelix.......Heracross.......Tyranitar..........'nuff said Oh yea and the three starters. 3rd Gen 3 Starters (yea I know suprising right?) Blaziken was the coolest but Sceptile always did the best for me (my lil sis loved mudkip though and she refused to let it evolve and she actually got it to lv100) Gardevoir, Heracross, and Aggron were my other three. 4th Gen Abomasnow (that things f****in epic!!), Luxray (shiny Luxray, yea I said it) Garchomp, and, you guessed it the three starters.
no question, hands down, ARTICUNO. greatest video game character ever. That pokemon was so sexy and bad ass. It was the reason i beat the pokemon league for the firts time. Articuno is the bee's knees, its the cat's meow. Although Charizard was a not-so-close second.