A four on four, or more challenge of basketball, there are some catches. There is only dunking and passing, no shooting. And if you score, your life will be the cost. Overall its a very simple game, beat the opposing team to three dunks. The Court Goes for the Dunk Success! Map Vaiant->Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Gametype Variant-> Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
well, i like the idea, basketball is cool but this is pretty poorly built at least, make it bigger, and inescapable that would be nicce
There have been attempts at maps like this before, but this one is different. First of all, The court and hoops are more aesthetic here (good). Second of all the court should be enclosed and interlocked (bad).3/5 this looks like it needs more work and was done in 10 minutes. Try to make it seem pro. It looks really empty. I might DL but I really would like it to have more. If you make a V2, I will have higher expectations so please take my suggestions and improve the map. Basketball is fun in halo but only if the map is good. This reminds me of a smaller version of Griffball but you have to jump to score. Nice attempt for a good map. Maybe I could help you edit it, my Gamertag is: zoner117. Send me a friend request saying that you need help with the basketball map... Keep Forging!
I think it looks real good but I think this fits in the asethetics forums better than the minigame section. Thats just IMO though.
i think he/she might have openings in it on purpose because he might not have learned about base respawn points, and you need to get in ur first time. if thats the case, shadowsdemise, private message me and i will explain if u want./////
It's difinatley a good idea. I especially like the nets. Maybe it could be a bit bigger, and maybe you could make sure people can't get out. Still, it's a good idea and I like it. Good job.