Same thing happened to me, It would not read any discs or **** like that and was goin to cost me a hundred smackers to fix it. So I decided to turn it on and off really fast a bunch of times, unplug it from the wall when it's on and **** like that. Eventually I got RROD, and I got a free repair. About a 2 and a half weeks later I got a replacement box. But wait! That's not all, less than a week later my replacement box dies, exact same no disc read thing. So I call up 1-800-4MY-XBOX and ask for another box, but for some reason this repair is free but no RROD, weird huh? Well, it's going to be back in about 5 days and I can't wait to get back online. Best of luck to you.
they still kinda sell cores. They just call it the Arcade version now. Its the same price but better.
my old xbox got the 3 lights of doom about a week after the warrenty went out 2 years ago, i had to pay £80 to get it fixed, then we got the same error a month later. But microsoft have a rule where if the same xbox has 2 faults u get it replaced, so i got a new one and its been fine for like 2 years.
mine is being fixed 4 free. I just yelled RROD into the phone and they said free repair. It is STILL taking forever but hey, its free. RROD = free fix now.
i no its free but after it gets fixed, the warranty changes to a 90 day warranty i think and after those 90 days, you'll be out of waranty and have to pay to get your xbox fixed.
My current 360 stopped reading discs. It would just say "Unplayable Disc" in the tray at the bottom of the dashboard, no matter what disc I put in there. After creating a repair order with MS customer support, I tried standing the console up vertically (after taking the disc out and powering it down of course), and it worked fine. I then laid the console back down horizontally and it still works fine (although I'm sure I'm dooming it to failure by posting this). I canceled my repair order.
You should've just sent the console in anyways. If it breaks once, then just send it in and you shouldn't have to worry about it anymore.
Ha ha. This one is my 4th console. I know better than to blindly trust what comes from the repair center. (Whole story)