DOWNLOAD GHOST HOTEL V2 I went back to my "Ghost Hotel" map and added more stuff with the extra money glitch. New features include: *4th Story flag room and sniper perch *Rear entrances now require detonation to enter *Added more ghosts and weapons for attackers *In addition to one flag CTF, one bomb Assault and Territories have been added Other features of the Ghost Hotel Fort: *2nd story Ghost garage with ramp to ground level *Front entrances protected by grav lift shield doors *2 rear entrance tunnels lead to air ducts lifting attackers to the 2nd and 4th floors *3rd story roof balcony with parapets for sniper cover PICS: 4 Story Fortress! [img width=800 height=450][/img] Attackers gear up and prepare to cross the field [img width=800 height=450][/img] Reaching the base is no easy feat [img width=800 height=450][/img] Attackers finally defeat the ghost defenses and make their way into the front entrances [img width=800 height=450][/img] The front doors are protected by grav lifts, which must be disabled from inside the fortress [img width=800 height=450][/img] Attackers will have to make their way to the back of the base and breach the rear tunnel entrances [img width=800 height=450][/img] Once inside they will find man cannon's which will shoot them up into the base's air duct system [img width=800 height=450][/img] exiting the air duct [img width=800 height=450][/img] both ducts lead into the 2nd floor ghost garage [img width=800 height=450][/img] next attackers will have to ascend to the 3rd story [img width=800 height=450][/img] [img width=800 height=450][/img] the exterior of the 3rd story is a rooftop balcony [img width=800 height=450][/img] [img width=800 height=450][/img] finally attackers must reach the 4th story flag room which can be reached through a duct on the 3rd floor, or a stairway from the balcony [img width=800 height=450][/img] [img width=800 height=450][/img] late into the game a portable grav lift will spawn in front of the base [img width=800 height=450][/img]
Re: Ghost Hotel Yea, the map does look really interesting but I think you need more pics to get your view across.
Re: Ghost Hotel ok i updated some more pics, hopefully this illustrates it better. I might be adding some more weapons ghosts and base structure now that I know about the extra money glitch.
Re: Ghost Hotel I overlooked this earlier because I thought you meant ghost as in spooky ghost. But now that I know you meant ghost as in the Covenant Death Scooter, I'm definitely going to download!
Re: Ghost Hotel Hah this looks like a lot of fun. Sloppy in a coulple areas with placement of scenery but other than that I'm gunna play this when I get the chance. Nice work.
Re: Ghost Hotel Dang man... that better than mine... but I have to look closer.. to tell ... BUt PM me if you want to work on something ..also along this lines...
another bump, I added more pictures which I believe better illustrate how to assault the base, some people are confused initially on how to get up into the flag room
You see that modify button right there by your post it is your friend no bumping anyways it looks like a decent map.