AIRING ON MAURY THURSDAY JUNE 14, 2007! Just when you thought you have seen it all...a woman runs screaming from a cotton ball man. This is the craziest sh*t I have ever seen! [youtube]G45s4GJslGI[/youtube]
not as crazy as the woman afraid of pickles, you have to wonder if some of these are staged or if they truly are afraid, i seriously cant imagine of being afraid of something like that. but hey, i evidently dont get out much and play too many video games so what do i know
Either the show's writers are geniuses, coming up with crap that's actually going to make people watch, or the show is real, because you usually don't make something this crazy up. Seems stupid to me, but watching someone scream(like the one in the balloon fear clip) is funny as hell and you just know people will watch to see how it goes.
Holy crap. What in the WORLD would make someone afraid of COTTON BALLS?!?! She definatly has some issues she needs to work out.