Ok... what cracks me up... Is that the first idea this guy posts is "Omg I cant wait to make a million fusion coils" ............................. anyways, if this works, and more importantly, if this works in combination with the unlimited money glitch... Wow... its going to be awesome.
The only problem I see is that the timing because if you are counting down and you say 3 the other person will here 3 maybe half a second later. Also, I believe that for every person, you can only do the glitch once per person
Shouldn't this be consolidated in some way with the other thread, as many of the same questions/answers are coming up in both threads? EDIT by Furious: You're right, it isn't necessary to have both threads. I'll lock the other one.
Riot, Asper, Juggernaut, and myself tried this... it didn't work. So this is a hoax until we get screenies (unedited) as proof... and preferrably a map for download with it pre-done. Until then... I believe this is a hoax...
Ohh well that sucks if you want to delete this topic im cool with it. That sucks though I wished it would have worked.
AZN. It does work. It is just really hard. Me and my neighbor tried it on the phone and it worked. If you have a bunch of stuff on the map already then it causes lag. I will try to get a map with like 8 doors or something small.
Agreed. I've tried it with a bunch of people from FH, I've tried it with friends I know online, I've tried it online with RL friends and I've tried it over the phone with RL friends. Not once did it work. Closest I've gotten was me having a heart attack because my friend bought a double box instead of an open double box and I thought we did it. :|
Well I did it like 1 month ago but I thought my friend was modding. Of course knowing me I never save this stuff >.<. I will try again on Friday when I go to my friends house. It might work on the old maps only but I will try again and try to take a pic or save the map. If not.. well then I say lets kill Ownage for getting our hopes up
actually guys I had mine up too, there's this guy at highimpacthalo.com who started this TAKE THE PITCHFORKS TO HIM, leave me some cookies :squirrel_wtf: lol
We need a screenshot of 5 gravity lifts! Then I will beleive this. Until then: Phail! EDIT: Ummmmm........ that is scenery. What do you mean? Also, we need a link to the picture in your fileshare for proof.... muhhahahmuhahah!!!!!!