Map Title: Captured! A Guardian One-Flag Map Variant, Complete with Game Variant! Format Shamelessly taken from the stickied topic. Also, Kudos to FBU for his N00b-Proof guide to posting pictures! My first map, w00t! :squirrel_rocking: Map DL Download "Capture it" Gametype Recommended settings: 8-16 players, use the gametype I tailored for this map (Above^) Description: This is a map where the offensive team HAS to work as a cohesive unit to ever score. Anyone screwing up their part can drastically reduce the chances for a capture. Choose your teammates wisely. Here's the setup: Let's start with the Defense. Their base is in the base across from the lift base. Both topside entrances are covered with machineguns, as is the center field likewise. The get Rockets, a shotgun, A SR, a few BRs, and some other random close-range weapons artfully placed near the base. Fusion coils with varying respawn times are placed at the far ends of the entranceways, giving the gunners help from time to time. The only way into the base that is not immediately covered is the gravity lift that takes you to "The Perch", although I'm sure your team will think of something. The Bottom of the defending base is blocked off with boxes. Offense also needs to get in there, because that's where the flag is. There's only two ways in. You can blow the crap out of the boxes with heavy weapons, or sneak in through the teleporter in the middle of the defending team's base. To avoid camping with the shotgun, there are two possible exits for the teleporter. The middle of the map has little cover, but a prize of a flamethrower for those who are willing to risk it. That flamethrower can be a huge help in clearing out the enemy base, as well as later when you are trying to defend the flag carrier (This will be explained soon.). So to help you grab it, there are a few firebomb grenades, and more importantly, three or four deployable covers right below it, in what's normally the Hammer room. The map also has many helpful goodies, for those who are brave enough to seek them out. The Offensive Team's base is in the lift rooms, and the bottom floor gets BRs, ARs, and two Sentinal Beams, as well as A Splazer and Brute Shot. Most of the spawns are down there too, but not all. The top floor gets the bomb return point, as well as two Active Camos (Intended for use for the initial rush), as well as plenty of grenades. When the Flag is finally gotten out of it's well-defended (Hopefully...) alcove, You face many threats on the hump back to the base. First, there's the already-in-place base defenses (But you took those out already, right?). Those Machineguns can be a pain in the ass. But even more important is the fact that the Defenders spawn virtually right next to the Attacking base with SHOTGUNS! You grabbed that Flamethrower early on, right? It still has ammo...right? Well, I think that about wraps it up. Now, Download this map, get some friends, and PLAY! Ninja Edit! Sorry, but no pics for now. I'll get some tomarrow possibly, depending on how things roll. Again, my apologies. Images are Up! See below! 'Bout Half of the Attacking base's bottom level. You can see the Splazer, Brs, and Ars. Sentinel Beams spawn a little later, so they aren't in the pic either. The SR and Brute Shot were out of the frame. This is the view of the Top half of the Attacking base. Note the extra Brs, Grenades, and dual Active Camos. This shows the Defending Team's Base. You can see a few of the Weapons, and two of the three Machineguns that protect the base. This shows the Bottom part of the middle area. Note the Deployable Covers there, for use in the area of the next picture. This Picture depicts the central area of the map, one of three distinct ways into the Defending Base. Most notable in this picture is the Flamethrower, a key weapon on this map for all flag runs. Do your best to grab it, regardless of your team, as it's a key weapon for control of the map.
Re: Captured! A Guardian Map Variant Specific to one-flag CTF! I see you have already apologized for no pics, but even so you should just wait to post your map if you're not ready. But everything else seems up to snuff. Nice first post apart from the aforementioned pics. ~Billy Reloaded
Pictures... w00t! UPDATE: Pictures are up! Ty! Yeah, I probably should've waited, but I seem to just...suck. At getting pictures, that is. I keep trying to include stuff, 'cause I've barely got room on my FS for one pic, let alone more. But I can't get a good enough angle. So, I get impatient I'll keep trying tomarrow. 'Till then, DL the map if you can, play it with some friends or even just check it out in Forge! I could use the input, 'cause I want to get better at this.
Re: Captured! A Guardian Map Variant Specific to one-flag CTF! Sorry man, the way we are on this site, plus the fact that there are so many good maps here already... If you dont at least have pics, why would anyone DL, especially from new member? Its harsh but true man... sorry. PS- FAIL.
Re: Captured! A Guardian Map Variant Specific to one-flag CTF! Moljonir, you don't need to put pics in your file share to share them with the community. Read the Useful Threads index in our Forge Discussion forum for the link on how to post screenshots.
Pictures, and an attempt at words of wisdom. Pictures are up! Yay! First off, I'd like to say thanks to you guys for pointing me in the right direction for posting pictures. However, you could've been far more amicable in your language. Most of it was fine, but "PS-FAIL!" was a little uncalled for, among other statements. I'm not b****ing about this because I'm angry, or anything, just it's just because I know you aren't just singling me out, you've probably talked the same way to other newer posters here, and the tone was rather discouraging. Sorry if It seemed like preaching, but I wanted to give some feedback. I'm looking forward to being an active part of this community!
Something I forgot... I didn't want this to be buried in the mound of info in the first post, so... When you DL, please take the time to rate it on the Forums and/or write up a short opinion of the map. Thanks!
To me this looks a bit disorganized, and I don't like it when weapons are clumped together. Same goes with the equipment as well. I like how this map is on guardian though, so good job on that.
You're right... on your last two. Mostly, anyways. There are some VERY helpful token weapons strewn about, but some parts, like the tree-trunk area, are barren, while others are packed with weapons. However, the map isn't "disorganized"...or at least that's my woefully biased opinion. Some parts are a little messy, like the crates that block off the flag, but they're meant to be blasted anyways, so I didn't think it was all that big of a deal. So this map was rushed slightly, and as a result it isn't quite the way I wanted it to be. I still think I did a pretty good job with this map, but I WILL definitely take your comments (As in ALL of you, not just Shadow ) into consideration for my next map. I already have one in mind. It's another non-foundry one, This time on Last Resort. Maybe someone's already done something like this, but hey, that's what the search is for! Thanks again for your feedback, it is very helpful! -Moljonir
I love how u made this thread a poll so people can rate it on their first impression. I'm totally using that for my next map! On average your post was on the better half of new players' posts so don't be discouraged. As for map, i noticed the attackers have like 10 AR's, and that probably won't hurt gameplay, but it uses up budget. I seriosly have never used that much AR ammo, and most people trade their AR's fro something else anyways. I also noticed that u added some nice scenery in both bases wich is good, but you mentioned somewhere a certain area was barren. That'd be a good place to add scenery. EDIT: wtf did half the poeple who voted say 'banana'??
Responses: 1) -alcapone900 Sorry, but how is it sloppy? I spent awhiles making it, ages typing the summary, so I don't know quite what you mean. Especially when you type something sloppy yourself that has no correct punctuation or capitalization, and is barely a complete thought, and let's not even talk about sentences yet. The least you could do is tell me where in the summary, pics, or map/gametype itself are the points of it you find "sloppy". As for the clutter of weapons, actually, although the ARs and BRs may mislead you, there are a few secrets that are far more powerful hidden throughout, that I purposefully didn't photograph. They aren't below the map, or anything, but if you explore and control these weapons, your chances of victory increase dramatically. I will try and improve from here on my end, but make your criticisms at least as coherent as my responses. 2) -ValorousBob Thank's for the bit about the poll, that was actually a recent edition, but I'm glad you appreciate it. Also, the AR issue...I guess you're 100% right on that. I think that I've only ever run out of AR ammo once in my H3 career. time I'll go easy on the Rifles But I'm confused...I didn't add like ANY scenery objects into the bases. There wouldn't really have been room anyways, even if I had. I guess you mean the boxes and barrels I put weapons on. It wasn't really much, in fact I think I need far more eye candy on my next map. And I have no idea why half the people voted "Bannanna". Go figure
I dunno, i just saw some crates, a radio, and other stuff in the two base pictures and was glad a relativley new person inlcuded those. Also i just came back to this thread and realized 4/7 people have now voted 'banana'... :squirrel_shiftyeyes: :squirrel_shiftyeyes: ...seriosly??... *note to self*never include 'banana' option in any poll.
Response Yeah, I added some, but not a lot, and only in the bases. It was one of the weak points of this map, but hey, I wasn't trying for that as my #1 goal. It was supposed to be a functional map that was fun to play with large amounts of people, something that's hard to do on a small map like Guardian. I hope I did OK in that regard, but it seems that most people replying are just being lazy and not actually DLing...Oh well. I am a nub after all. Maybe once I get a few posts under my belt, people will judge me better...*Goes off to spam in forums to increase postcount* Also... SECONDED. EDIT: Changed the option. I like it better now!
I agree with shadow on this one. It usually makes it seem like you were too lazy to spread them across the map. Also, it produces repetitive gameplay, because you never need to go to any other areas on the map for the weapon you want. You won't see this in Bungie maps because it is usually bad map design. I know it might work in some situations, but it's rare. That's Titmar, he's mean to pretty much everyone. I'm looking forward to you being an active part of the community. Finally someone who uses complete sentences and punctuation! Lol! Wicked burn! Yeah, it's a shame that some people do that. Worse, some people spam and say things like "looks good, downloading" when they haven't actually read your post and don't plan on downloading. But for every five people that are lazy, there's one that will actually download and provide good feedback, and that's way better odds than at Please don't. I know you're probably kidding anyway, but so far (in my book anyway) you've got the reputation of an intelligent person. Don't screw that up. I'll give this one a download and try to get back here for comments. And sorry for the discouraging welcome you received.
w00t! Long reply, finally! And with quotes at that! Aside from the compliments on my insults P), I agree, I do need to work on my weapon placement. That, and eye candy. I'm working on another map right now, actually, and I'm trying to implement your suggestions into it. There've been a FEW like it, from what the magical search tool says, but I'm working to make it as absolutely good as I can. (Also, this one's not on foundry...again. Last Resort is an old favorite of mine! ) Second point: I was joking...Lolz I forget that only 7% (or something like that)of communication is what you say. Most of it is tone of voice, eye and body movement, etc., which doesn't translate onto the internet quite well (And this is evidence of it >.<). So that's what "jk, jk" is for, I guess. Thanks for going and DLing this! Looking forward to comments However, I'm going to be a spoilsport and end this post on a somewhat sad note. When I'm done with the alpha stage of my next project, this map is toast. I won't be holding it up for DL on my FS anymore after then, that is. In it's place will be the alpha/beta/final versions of my next product. Something to look forward to, I suppose. NINJA EDIT!!!: No worries on the welcome. Actually, It was a lot warmer than I figured. I actually got ONE WHOLE DOWNLOAD!
Ok Mol, I checked out the map in Forge. You know how I feel about all those weapons together, so let's move on. How are you supposed to get the flag out of the alcove if you teleport in there? If no one blows up those crates, they block your way out, right? I'd suggest making all the teleporters two-way. At least that way it is possible. Usually when I see pics of a map and there are no action shots, I assume that the map was never tested. Seeing how someone could get locked in the flag room enforces my assumption. Were you able to get any testing done? If so, was this ever a problem? On the subject of "action shots," make sure they show the map too. No one wants to see a picture of you holding the rockets. We know what rockets look like. We want to see the map in action. (This is more of a general statement for the community, not really directed at you Mol.) I'm sorry to say that I didn't like this map much. But don't let that discourage you from your current project.
Yeah, it wasn't tested... I only found out about that section after I posted...(oops!) The idea was this was never intended to be a normal "competitive" map for those who play Infection (Or "Zombies" I here it's still called...). This was a SERIOUS map for SERIOUS Objective-game players. The idea was (And it was never it probably doesn't work as well as it should on paper...) that your teammates divide up. One guy goes for the Camo, sneaks in. Whilst he does that, BR and sniper guys take out the gunners, and then the heavy weapons folks head in to blow away the boxes so the flag guy get's out. It requires a lot of strategizing before and during the game for it to really be fun. But yeah, things could've been tweaked and been bettered, but I still think the basis for the map was fairly solid. And on the testing, yeah, my next one will have the hell tested out of it before I post it, for dual reasons: A) It makes the map better, B) People hear about the map (And if it is can have some hype around it! w00t! But let's not get ahead of ourselves...) Thanks for the review, and don't be sorry for not liking a map, especially since I knew this one would be burned by pretty much everyone, and I wanted, and still want, to learn. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean that it wasn't helpful for you to tell them that, just so long as you give them feedback (Which you did, well.), because detailed and useful feedback is really what matters in the end. Of course, I'd still like people to enjoy my maps! Ty for the review, and sorry for the late response! -Moljonir