That Star theme really went well for this map. Awsome. From what I can see by the pics, the feature was absolutley worth it.
Dude, your maps are awesome. I downloaded Project S, X, and I think Z from Shadow vipers fileshare before I even joined forgehub. Love them.
i dont rly like this map the structures are cool but like the back tunnels look lopsided into the ground and you couldve interlocked the fence walls with the double lopsided boxes
wow this looks awesome ! the interlocking and geomerging are great and the towers give the map an aw factor to . (think i may have already posted on this map if so sorry about that)
I did, I tried to download it a while back, but my hard drive was full. Now, I try again, and is down. lawl
Really good map. It must have taken a long time to interlock everything into the ground. I'm glad that you are dedicated enough to do that. Great map, I can't wait for the next one