Maze VI v2.0 Created by Rob Woodley --> Download Map <-- --> Download Gametype <-- WARNING: Playing this map may result in you throwing your XBOX at your TV in rage, you have been warned I'm uploading this for my friend because he doesn't currently have a forgehub account. "My sixth puzzle map, for use with Reuq's "Mazy Crazy" KoTH game varient. Simple aim, get to the hill. Getting there, not so simple. The map is best experienced if you play it by yourself." Screen Shots: First Room First Room (Different Camera) Second Room Second Room (Different Camera) Third Room Third Room (Different Camera) Tip: Remember Covies are are bad WARNING: Playing this map may result in you throwing your XBOX at your TV in rage, you have been warned --> Download Map <-- --> Download Gametype <--
looks cool but are there only 3 rooms and then that last thing or is there more and you didnt show it? either way it looks fun 4/5
I have the same concern. If it is only three rooms, it could be a bit short. Or the obstacles may be a little harder, which would require less rooms. So, I'll give it a 4/5 looking at it.
I really, really hope you mean cocky. I haven't seen a maze map in a while, and this is a good return to them for me. The rooms appear to be excessively clean, good job on that. 5/5. Also, this might belong in the mini-game section.
i like doing puzzle maps, and this onelooks hard, but you need to add more rooms. i also suggest meking it neat, like on the last pic with the doors on the right side
this map doea not need any more room s, first room is incredibly hard. he is right in saying how good this puzzle is. you will realise once you figure out the first room. it only gets better.
I can't add anymore rooms because the map is out of budget. It's up to people to play it and decide if they think it's too short but I have had people take over an hour to do it (it's all about how quickly you pick up on certain things really). As far as the doors go, the whole of that room in the third picture is a bit below the standard of the rest of the map due to lack of funds. However I may try to realign those.
i have completed it it was great it took me roughly 1 and a 1/2 hours. The first room was one of the best puzzles evver. that would have been enough by itself, the second room was not as hard, and the last room took me forever. wonderful also sorry for the clue i gave i will delete it, but i wanted to let you know that i actually had finished it.
I'm glad you liked it, and you did it in the fastest time I've heard so far. I'm currently working on a follow up (although this is the sixth map I won't bother posting any of the previous five since I don't really think they're up to scratch), so if you have any suggestions on general things that need improving they would be most welcome.