I've already posted a weapon in here, so now it's my turn to post a vehicle =) Name: The Chimera Role: Super agile, super fast support craft. Speed: 300km/h (or holy ****! fast) Description: The Chimera is a very small yet very powerful land speeder, which is propelled by two turbofan engines, and it hovers above the ground. It carries one heatseeking rocket launcher, and four 50 cal. machineguns for punching through armor like a hot knife through butter. Top speed is 300 km/h. Maximum altitude is about 2 m. Definitely something I would like to see in a game in the near future.
Yah, you changed the name But thats how the names go, without us making it that way. It's still good, tho.
Anyway, here are some new thoughts and ideas (vehicles): UNSC Name: Penguin Role: Frozen Terrain-Bearable Sub-Speed Craft Speed: 63 1/2 MPH Armament: Twin 50. caliber incendiary round projectile miniguns mounted on a swivel at the back of this snow sled. Crew: Twocrew can be fitted on the Penguin. One drives and another fires on the swivel. Background: Used in the barren wastelands of Antarctica and Greenland (two areas the Covenant concentrated on roughly for a brief period in the Second Earth/Covenant War), this speedy snow sled was used to wreak havoc in the ranks of Brutes and Grunts. This is for eguitarplaya: UNSC Name: Sandshark Role: Burrowing missile projecting super turret Speed: 37.6 MPH Armament: Single bi-mortar salvo round loaded into a nine-foot brass barrel. Fires at same pace as a Wraith or Phantasm. Crew: Single crew to drive and shoot when underground. Background: This slow, crab-like turret was used indefinitely to dredge itself into temporary placements to fire at the enemy. Underneath it was a massive drill that penetrated most terrains, make a hole for it to lower itself and cover itself back up with its fan like attachments to its sides. It then fired constantly on the enemy ranks with its massive slug. Covenant Name: Poltergeist Role: Four-legged movable platform/ turret. Speed: 39.87 MPH Armament: Kinetic Particle Cannon (KPC) that fires one shot per nine seconds. Crew: Seventeen (One driver, one turret operator, three mini-turret operators, twelve passengers) Background: After the UNSC salvaged the remains of a destroyed Scarab and made a similar copy of it, the Covenant had to make another version. A better version.
Type: Equipment Class: Covenant Style: Underground Tracking Device Name: ETD (Enemy Tracking Device) Description: A device placed underground to keep track of on-coming enemies. It's radius is the exact same as the tracking device that are installed in Elite and Spartan armors. When deployed, the only person able to view the radar is the one whom deployed it. This can be used to tell your team if an enemy will be coming into your territory from specific areas. Damage- None Radius- Same as the usual spartan and elite detection radius. Tracking Symbols- The tracking device works with your radar as if you are standing in the area that the tracking device was deployed in. The enemies appear as red triangles and your allies appear as yellow triangles. Abilities: It has the same tracking abilities as your usual radar. It can't track non-moving targets, slow moving targets and it's able to track vehicles. Pros: The tracking device is able to tell you if someone is in your base, or if there is anyone in your opponents base when you go to take their flag or steal their territory. Cons: Although the tracking device can tell you where moving opponents are, it's still unable to tell you where non-moving or slow moving enemies are. _____________________________________________________________________ This should of been included in Halo 3. Tell me, how much better would CTF be if you had a tracking device that would tell you if there were opponents coming to your flag. I would of enjoyed a match a little more and probably would of won in some cases.
Equipment Name: Distorter Effect: Like a Bubble Shield, only it can be shot through. All bullets that travel into a Distorter's Bubble have their trajectory, speed, and direction get "distorted". Bullets will fly straight into the shield but exit randomly and at varying speeds. ----------------- Equipment: Name: Mirror Effect: A shield that reflects Larger Projectiles like Rockets, Splasers, and missile pods right back at their owner.
LOL, those are good as always, Jugg, but did you not notice my hilarious names for vehicles above? Comment on the Penguin, or Sandshark
oooo i just thought of a good one: a piece of equipment, thats like a deployable teleporter, you just set it down wherever you want, and then when you want to get taken back, you press x again, and you get sent to the teleporter, which is immediately destroyed. colon right parentheses!!!
Yea I did notice that. I was wondering if you were serious or not about naming those. BTW, how's that map going? I haven't gotten on in a while.
Its done and working and prefect and sexy and stuff, and those names were pretty serious. But did you see the Panda? I really wanted to use that name, and I got to! Check the previous page.
After re-reading the Halo books, I remembered that plasma is magnetized. A nifty little piece of equiptment could be a plasma magnet. It could divert all small-arms plasma fire for a short time or untill it gets melted. [lol] Just don't stand too close, the magnet might make a stray bolt spear through your head at lightning speed. Pretty realistic in that last case.
Ooh, nifty and seckshul. Thats a good idea, good sir. I did not ever see that in any books. Can I ask which one it says that?
I'm pretty sure it was First Strike, Cortana figured out how to use the captured Covenant ship's weapons. Plasma blasts are magnetized so they don't dissipate.
heres something differant, Infinate Mode-you spawn in a base and sit there and fight till you run out of supplies and move on to the next base. notes: gets incresingly harder,scores like meta-game,ocassionaly find marines at bases,every 10 bases you fight a scerib,cant change bases till theres 5% or less suplies at base,100% every thing can be found but only human things are at basse.vehicles DO spawn. will post more things later. feel free to add on
Grav Shocker (weapon) This gun would be capable of pushing back everything from enemies to Warthogs while unleashing a powerful electric shock, disabling vehicles and severely damaging enemies. It's like Force Push and Force Lightning combined (Star Wars). Medium Range.
Human melee weapon, no energy charge, just a like bar that shows how much use it has till it breaks, and after like 20 punches its like: (tool) is bent, press Y to switch weapons. Not a baseball bat, too non-militaristic Not knife, too non-haloish (every fps but halo) Not Katana, it just don't fit Not crowbar, too non-militaristic Maybe spiked brass knuckles, seems fun. Oh and it would be hilarious and awesome to see a futuristic covenant panzerfaust (those little bombs on a stick that get annoying in WWII games) Example: Suicide Stick Built like a plasma grenade, but on-touch explosion, not timed. However, if you shoot i and hit the bomb, then it explodes. Powerful enough to kill what it touches, yet an energy barrier protects the user. Look is simple, large glowing rod with blue ball on one end, large energy shield on other side
UNSC Name: Copper Head Role: Northern Mountain Terrain Land Rover Crew: 7.62mm machine gun, and a copper armor plating, and can carry a compliment of three troops: two passengers and one that operates the mounted turret. Background: Used for mountainist areas.