well does anyone want to make macinma group? the things i need -digital recorder (records sound) -deep voice person (2) -director (me) -good actors (3) and is anynoe ok playing on the varient that has no hud? it is a mod but where only using it for macinma so if your ok with it then great
well of course we need ideas but first i need a group before i can think of ideas so we need to think of a group name and incorperatod- inc. and i need to know whos in the group
Hey, I don't have any equipment, but I can act pretty well. Don't have a very deep voice though (I'm seventeen and a male if that helps you to know what my voice sounds like.) My gamertag is AgileDan92, so send me a friend request and contact me either on Live or ForgeHub if you would like my help. (I could also come up with ideas. What sort of machinima do you want to make?)
ok good you can be in if you want to so my members so far -acter-AgileDan92, MaddFlash -recorder-justxkyle
What's the machinima about? I might be able to help but my 360 is sent in and won't be back in aboue 1-2 more weeks.
Just let me know when you want to record anything by messaging me here or on Live. And let me know what the machinima is going to be like so i can start thinking up ideas.
ok good you can be in if you want to so my members so far -acter-AgileDan92, MaddFlash, NuclearNinja142, Chief wiggum 00 -recorder-justxkyle *EDIT*updated list*EDIT* oh and btw could all yall lvl up my ball on my sig plz?
I already have a group called "Team Timeout" (TeamTimeout.com) and we have plenty of machinima directors which means we use alot of different actors. Come check it out dude.