These are awesome! i wanted to know if you could help me with gimp, im a noob at it and id like to make some of my own sigs. ive seen a lot that look awesome, and id love to mke othrs some like you =D
lol haha now im getting guys have like alby, gun, vinny, turbo, and i have like only 2 more im not saying those two ppl arent awesomely awesome, just sad that even lockdownn is joining... cant wait to see the sigs you guys roll out!
Actually we've only got Me, Platinum, Vinny, Turbo and Lock. Alby and Gun (and Lone) have their own shop. Now all we need are requests so we can even out who makes the sigs.
yo platinumlynx...i dont think that sig has very good...ummm...flow to it.....i suggest smuging a teeny bit, and that would make it crazy....i like the colors a lot though..... yo dizfunk...i haz a suggestion for you' should, in addition to this shop, (love the name BTW), make a shop thats for photoshop and gimp tuts....that would be rad (idk why the hell i used that was askin for it!) it would have so many users asking, it would be amazing!!!
Well, lol, if you guys are looking for requests I guess I will give ya one. Style: Leaning towards vector with a little bit of abstract Render/Stock: psychedelic sunglasses by ~Trisha-T on deviantART Color Scheme: fit to the sunglasses. so I guess thats a rainbow. But i r not ghey. Text: If possible, two different things: 1) Al C. 2) Al Special requests (if you decide to go in a completely different direction, be my gues: horizontal only border light source matching reflection of the glasses Really, the only thing on that request that needs to be matched is the text and the stock. Do what you want with it, basically is what I'm saying wow, I like that stock a lot. I'm gonna make one myself, and then use yours anyway
Dont mind me bro. It's all yours Platinum. I'll just take the next one bro. Don't think I can't see you viewing this thread, DOA Deadset. You viewed it yesterday, and you're viewing it now. I have eyes on you child. Just request.
Style: Dark Render/Stock: Crop out the words. Just the symbol Color Scheme: Black and White Text: My Name and the Quote "The infection is Spreading"