a couple of these were done by tutorials and somewere not. There my first sigs ever so don't be to harsh but advise is welcome. Please not I can put text on them(I just didn't want to)
The Samus render is white around the edges and pixely. I like 2 and 3, but the rain effect kills it. IMO, rain effect just ruins a tag.
This is the best. The rest, the brushing is just pixely and stuff. Red version of said signature is kind of ruined with the Honeycomb background though. It was better white onblack. Btw: No rain effect please. ;D Trust me, no wisps, no rain.
I tried to fix that but it didn't work also it was supposed to be it was a tutorial on oh and 2,3 were done with out a tutorial so thats a great compliment
Its been 22hrs and I have new sigs so don't say I double posted. Any way some new ones I don't like the 7 one I was just messing around no rain this time...
I agree with vinny. That one is by far the best ( in my opinion) but I think you should put renders on them since they are kinda eh without a focal point. Nice job though! Edit: Oh and you double posted so you might want to change that before a moderator sees it.
I would but I use gimp and I cant get good renders from planetrenders so I end up with white backgrounds around the render just a thin little line but it looks bad do you know how to keep that from being there. Or how to actually save them with transparency. Edit: It had been 22hrs...
I like the 2nd,3rd, and last one. I recommend not using animations in signatures because the fact that it degrades the entire quality of a signature, I have made a few animated ones but I regret making them due to the quality just dropping like crazy. If you don't already use all defaults. My friend told me that using brushes is like taking someone else' art and stamping it on your own canvas and adding your name to it, since then I have been defaults, defaults, defaults, but keep up what you do you will be extremely good soon.
one way you could do it is to take the layer and do "Alpha to selection" and then go to select>shrink and shrink it one point. then you could cut it out of the layer, and delete that layer, and then just make a new one. why can't you use planet renders? i use gimp and planetrenders.
right click save target as or save as... it just doesn't work it always has a black background Edit: I figured it out...I was clicking the wrong thing you have to click save picture as Oh and Shedo I don't have history with GFX, what is/are GFX?
I liked the last 4 they were good not much difference in the 9 and last one though...Just a transparent one flipped. I liked them though. and the last one is a little junky looking.
some of them and some of them I didn't the ones I didn't were the wispy ones that I didn't like. But yeah most of them but I did the wisps.
that's pretty good then. I was thinking you were using a brush for the wisps, as there are several floating around dev. art. Make sure you save the sig as a .png (first what you do for that is to click file save on the box with the sig in it and then save it as (name).xcf. Then go to save a copy and save it as (name).png. The xcf file will have all the layers still on it, while the .png will just be the image, but it makes it so you can upload it to photobucket/imageshack.