DOWNLOAD Gametypes that support it: CTF, Team Slayer, Slayer, King of The hill Best for: 4-10 Sniper rifle x2 - 1 spare clip - 60 second respawn Battle rifle x4 - 2 spare clip - 30 second respawn mauler x1 - 1 spare clip - 45 second respawn bubble shield - 45 second respawn Impulse is a large sized semi-symmetrical map. Its based around a bridge that attaches each side of the map together, for tactics and quick access. The map isn't symmetrical but you may notice some similarities, for example the bunker and bridges. The map is beautiful geomerge and interlocked, allot of people will notice that the cage on the back is gone, that is because a double box has been full geomerged into it and the wall behind it. The weapons are spread equally and the spawns to my knowledge are perfect. The game types it supports are team slayer; slayer, Capture the flag and finally king of the hill. Everything including the bridge has been made smooth as possible and the map creates good and original game play. It isn't possible to escape, for awhile i have testers try to get out but cannot. You may feel it is with a gap on top but with foundry having an invisible barrier it stops you. The map i have been told is very fun and i have tried very hard on it including aesthetics. Hope you enjoy it and comments would be appreciated. If there are any problem please message me or post in this thread. DownloadCmts:
Nice geo merging, good job on this map, it's pretty unique. I'm a little confused on the A and B signs in the center of the map, what are they? Otherwise nice interlocking, I think the weapon amount isn't very well though out, two snipers might be crazy. I'll D/L and get back to you on it later. 5/5.
great job interlocking is great looks asteasticlly pleasing, love the bridge this map has great weapon place ment and geomergin looks like it took you ages, walls holding up the snipe tower is pimp
Thanks for your comment Those A and B signs create the bridge, and the snipers haven't got so many bullets and a long spawn time, i felt it was the distance of the pit and while testing it worked well, so it wasn't too crazy. The weapon amount isn't too good i know but i had no money left, but i felt it worked well, people were fighting around that area for the weapons instead of rushing through the middle. but still thanks for the comment and rating i hope you understand now
i have to admit, driscoll, that this is your best map yet. also the interlocking is nice and neat. i really do hope that this gets featured. also nice geo-merging and wep list
CONGRATULATIONS! you have successfully got a download from me. the uniqueness and the randomness of the sign B and A thing caught my eye.
this map is sexy it has nice geo merging,interlocking,etc.the layoutis so perfect gameplay is so fun no spawn problems.5/5 nice a and b bridge thing
This looks like a pretty good map, but you should really have some gameplay pics man or a video. Either way, I love how you made your map and your skills are most certainly beastly. Good job fella.
yes i agree, tomorrow or whenever i will be inviteing many hubbers off my friends list to play a couple of games and than hopefully get someone who has a capture card, possibly blood fire cause hes on my live friends list, But thanks for reminding me and thanks for the comment, Beastly yes well said there, thanks for having my back and i was trying to think of a map but you said it for me, please could you comment on my map though, thanks all DRiSCOLL
driscoll strikes agin XD great map dude i tried it and i think it works well other than the fact that the bridge is super hard to walk on -.-"
overall, this is clearly your best map to date. I like all of the structures and it has a sweet layout. the interlocking is good, and what geomerging is used is used tastefully. The pillars i dont know if i like without something reinforcing them, cause they are easily knock them over. the one actual complaint that I have, would be that the weapons list feels a little dry. Very MLG-esc, and i hate MLG. Some smgs, plasma rifles, carbines, etc would have livened it up a little to me. Its just to... plain the way it is.
thank you, every one seems to feel that way about the weapon list, to be honest so do i, i would love to chuck in some carbines etc. but with lack of money its not possible. While testing i was told that because of the lack of weapons, it still could be a great map, even better than having lotts of weapons, the main reason for that is because some of the weapons are in the middle, people will be fight for control of it, instead of rushing though the middle, that's why this map creates its own game play but i see what your saying
This map is one your best maps! Horizon was great but the spawn camping was annoying .. This map doesn't have much wrong with it and there are so many good things about it! The sniper towers are neat and i love the water fountain thing which you can down .. The sign bridge is great and the interlocking is perfect! The gametypes you made the map for work perfectly and would be a great 4v4 map .. Nice job and im looking forward to your next map!
thank you, and thanks to everyone else, i know your probily tired of all my comments but i want to show you how much i appreciate it and answer some of your question. As you may of noticed my maps get better and better, im working on another asd we speak and version 2s will come out shortly for horizon and lone bunker to fix some of the problems that this map doesn't have. Yes 4 v 4 is great fun and i think 4v4 to 6 v 6 is where the map shines, glad to see you enjoyed it
That's a funky map you've got there. It's weird but in a good way. Unique I guess you could say. Looks like loads of fun.
At first this map seemed kinda helter-skelter, but it's grown on me. And you're right in saying the weapon count is kind of low, but the map still plays really well.