Eye Color Tutorial Disfigured Eye-Color Tutorial for Those that Want to Know Time to redeem my self :O by Skittlemeister OK, to get one thing out first and absolute foremost: It was a total mistake to post those pics before. Please go ahead and ridicule me for that, I deserve it. But after doing that and seeing all of those comments, accepting them, I felt like I wanted to actually try it. I looked on Google for tutorials, saw one, but it didn't help too much. Using it as a guide, I ended up making an OK attempt which is my current signature. Finding this to be to my liking and actually something I could accomplish, I continued. I now have six done eyes, all looking very nice, one especially. If anyone wants to see what I mean and how much better I have gotten, please visit this link, which will take you to a recent post showing all of my completed eyes: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/401287-post22176.html I know they aren't the absolute amazingist, but you know what? I tried. Now I feel like showing thee on how to accomplish something like, the same, or better than that.There aren't any screen pics, but I will elaborately describe to you what to do in multiple steps. OK, time to learn how I do it (basically my own custom tutorial): Step 1) Have GIMP Step 2) Find an eye picture using any website wanted. I have an example for you to save to your PC and follow me in my steps: Now, to be honest, I am currently making this eye with you while telling you how to do it. Step 3) Duplicate the eye. Do this by going to your Layers dialog and right-click the image and hit Duplicate Layer. Step 4) Make the first image unseeable by hitting the little eye by it, making it invisible behind the duplicate (you will know why in a second). Step 5) Now, what you will do is go to the Eraser tool, and make it as big as possible. Why? Because on the Duplicate layer, you will be erasing everything (lashes, eye-white, eyebrow, possible skin) EXCEPT THE IRIS. Dont know what the iris is? It is the part containing the color, and the pupil, the black dot in your eye. Basically you should after this step have a sort of circular eyeball with black and gray squares everywhere behind it (indicating transparency behind it). Also, you can use smaller versions of an eraser to make it better looking, but it isn't exactly needed. Step 6) You now have your coloring part. Whatever color you want the eye to be, is totally up to you. Mine I will be making a sort of dark purple.The current eye's iris is a dull green, right? Good. Then you will travel up to the Color tab above your image, and go toeither Color Balance, Colorize, or Hue & Saturation. Any of these will work, as long as you know how to change those to your liking. Mine shall be change to the settings in Colorize to: Hue: 256, Saturation: 66, Lightness: 39. What this does is give it a purplish touch. Now, trust me, I do not do this each time. I tend to change which tool I use and differing settings for all of them, but this is the easiest. Step 7) You now should have a floating purple iris. Now pull up your Burn/Dodge tool (the black sphere on a stick thingy thats last). Now you should go around the edges of your iris, and inside the pupil, too, with sort of low Opacities and Exposure settings (but it is totally up to you what you want to do). This makes it darker, near black. Now All I do is generally go around with both the Dodge tool (at a LOW setting of Exposure and Opacity) and hit the outside edges of the pupil, making it a nice brighter color than the rest. I then switch back to Burn and Dodge many times until I get a good effect (A very good effect is to touch the reflection area of the ey with low Dodge, and the edges of the eye with dodge, kind of tapering in towards the pupil, to make a sort of inward busrt sort of effect). Step 8) I then make a super thin, black or grey (low opacity) circle (with either the Brush or Airbrush tool) a very small distance away and around the pupil. I dont know why, but this looks better. I then go back to Dodge, and with a smaller brush of it, I fill inside this circle, making it a nice bright color. Then I constantly go over the iris from pupil to edge with thin, low opacity burn then dodge, just making it into a barely noticable burst effect. You can make this more pronounced (just a slight bit) by using a super thin dark grey (low opacity) brush, making bunches of lines from pupil to edge (I do this for almost every eye). Step 9) I then use a super low smudge on those lines and certain parts that need it, making it a little faded. Then I use dodge to make certain parts brighter then others (again on low opacity and exposure). Step 10) Optional: You can add little flecks of black and white throughout the iris, making it look a little speckled. I do not recommend it, but go ahead if it will suit your taste. Step 11) Go back to Colors and visit Brightness & Contrast, then choose how much brighter or contrasted you wish it to be (I usually either do not do this, or make them slightly higher). Step 12) Make your original image show up by hitting the space where the little eye was before. Now it looks like a good disfigured eye, being a nice purple color, but it isn't done yet. There is most likely a purple edge or some other deformity. You can then get out your eraser tool, set it to 70% opacity, then go around the edges of the iris until it looks nice and natural. This is an important step, or else it looks like he/she is wearing strange contacts. Usually that is the last step, but you can also select the original image, visit the Colors tab again, hit Hue & Saturation and change those settings until you get a good skin tone to macth the eye. I have done this for a few eyes (one the opposite to bring out the eye intead). Also, another optional thing is to color in the white of the eye with an Airbrush with white as the color and a slightly lower Opacity than Normal, to makie it a little more alien. Last, you Merge the two Layers (after any little changes you feel like giving to it) by right clicking the top image and hitting Merge down. Then go to File> Save As> "Name".png. This makes it look better when you open it back up. Then check everything in the window that appears, and hit OK. You are now done! Good Job! I honestly hope this tutorial helps, for it sure helped me with all of my eye pictures. If you dont believe they're mine, I am sorry you feel that way, but they are this time. And they are all eyes found on Google Images. If you have ANY questions, please ask, for I might have missed something. Also please post your finished products here for me to see, for they will most likely be better than mine. THANK YOU!!!
Good tutorial. But, still. It doesn't quite make up for it. I would try it, but I don't have the time as of right now.
OK, thats fine. But you honestly dont have to neg rep me for it. OK, I guess thats wrong, you should, but. Well, nevermind.
It helped me...not really, though. As an experienced photoshop user, I know most of these techniques. It doesn't make up for your ripping, either.