This looks Nice for CTF. I'm going to download and test it out!! 4.5/5. (5 Stars) Keep Forging! I like the name of the map too! Ribcage, A really cool and uncommon name for a map.
Psshhh, what kind've failure is this? Grenades? Fuel Rods? Fusion Coils?!? What happened to the days where it was possible to jump out of a map unassisted. Oh wait, those days haven't gone anywhere! Here's me getting out of the map by just jumping, the way it should be done. Don't worry though Yellow, it's probably not possible for mere mortals. Vid Link Edit: Removed to protect the innocent Great map btw.
Ok everyone, although it is early, I thought it would be best the best possible option to clear up any emerging issues early. This will most likely be the only update for Ribcage. So please, if you downloaded it before, download this one.
This is an amazing map with an amazing idea. I really like how you made the curved ribs along the sides. It give it almost a... a.... catherdral look
Playing on this was O.K. The map is similar to a tunnel, with two side tunnels on the side of it. Kind of like a very small narrows with no energy cannons. It seems that it's all the game play revolves around, running in circles in tunnles. But unique idea, as I said before. 3/5 when I tested the gameplay :/
Great Aesthetic! I love the great usage of interlocking and geomerging. I also like the rib cage idea. This map is bound to be featured! Great job, 5/5!!!
Cathedral look eh? Hrm... well.. Cathedral's are generally pointed at the top and this is far from it, but, if it does give you that impression well then cool whatever comes to mind. Secondly, ribcage is one word, and concerning my map it is capitalized because it is the subject. And yay! Another 5/5!
wow this map looks amazing this map looks like it took a while to complete. i cant put my finger on it but somthing is missing from it maybe its too open or suthin still 6/5
This map is freakin awsome! I love the freakin interlocking and the geomerging! Ur just mad cause im all these things!!!
This is a great map. I am glad you made a v2, but you can still get out of the map in 2 ways that I have found.
Pah! Ah well its no longer that big of a concern to me, I just made it as practically in-escapable as I could. Oh well..
great fricken asthetics dude. i love the ribcage idea and i think the ghost fits the map perfectly since its such an open map great job.
Oh.. I mean I guess this map is open in some sense... But really every area feels pretty cozy, but the Ghost I'd have to agree fits like a glove on this map. But I do think that when you are in the middle of the Ribcage it can feel open and velnerable and protected at the same time... much like in Burial Mounds.
aesthetics 4.5 nuf said by others weapons 4.5/5 frc works fine here as far as im concerned and everything else makes sense gameplay 3/5 It feels too open to me. The center is very open, especially because those mancannons stop u from getting much cover between the ribs. This hiccup is exaggerated by the factt that the map is centered in this area. I played slayer and very often people would spawn within killing range like blood fire said. I'd need to look into the spawns more to make suggestions on this. overall 4/5 great map
Err spawn withn killing range from the center? I hadn't heard that one, it just seems that it continues to pop in the attacker's base. Which means that I think one more time I'm goig to have to go back and re-do those. But, see the first few times I had tested for the V2 that problem seemed to be because of a particular spawn area. Now perhaps I think it may be the weighting of them, as in their numerical value...
I luv the ribcage looks cool, nice interlocking and geo merging. I also like the teleporters inside the wall (arrows)