Well, I noticed with the darker theme the rep bars weren't transparent. So, I went ahead and made them. Now they look preetty. I didn't know how far up the rep bars went, so I did up to ten. Single rep of each color: Neutral rep: Negative rep: Hopefully nobody goes past 5 negative rep bars. If an admin has the lighter rep bar, feel free to PM me it. -Dizfunky
thanks for the bars, hopefully they go to good use. Have you thought about making red ones too? and a neutral?
Hmm...I'll get on that. I don't know if the red ones go bright red if they get far enough. Hopefully no one will go past 5 neg rep bars.
you beat me to it, I was like hey nitrous i fixed some images for you, and hes like diz already did themz. Anyways each rep bar is just a single image, and they stack, its not just one image someone with 5 bars has 5 rep images side by side. anyways here are mines. pos high pos neg Neutral Rep Disabled.
Yours look good. Dude you make those from scratch? I just copied the regular ones and erased the whiteness at the edges.
I just took the regular ones erased the white edges then gave them a black outline instead of the fuzzy light grey outline since it didnt look right to me. < your rep icon. Notice how yours still has that fuzzy light grey border that dosnt seem to fit well into the current background. < mine the black border helps it blend into the darker grey alot better imo.
its like cuz the old ones have white crap on the outside, and these dont....thats all there is to it..they're helping the web-dev out!
See how your rep has white around the edges? We were trying to fix that and make them transparent, because they show up in the darker skin. Do you still use the Oldschool skin?
great work.. but i cant really take the new theme.. and it makes my computer load pages slower. i switched back
They're both good, it doesn't really matter to me cos I'm using the oldschool theme. The new one is nice and all but I like the contemporary feel of the old one.
Online icon for the new skin should be this. : But for the rep bars, I like Penguinish's a bit moar, they look more sleek.