Debate Marijuana...v2

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Titmar, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    Okay, I'll try to sum it up for you guys, because, you're right Tex.

    Lets see, where to start, how about Liberty?
    The most basic reason for the legalization of marijuanna, is there is no good reason for it to be illegal. It is illegal, because farmers wanted their farms back (read tex's post) People asked why it should be legalized, but why should it be illegal? Individuals deserve the right to make choises for themselves, and the government only has the right to limit those choices if it can hurt other people, so this does not apply to marijuanna. The government also has the right to limit the choices, if it can cause harm to ones self, but this arguement doesnt apply to marijuanna, because of cigarettes, and tobacco being legal. To sumarize it, the government can not tell people what to do, if they cant harm themselves, or others.

    Another reason for the legalization of marijuanna, is cost. Legaizing it, would save our government lots of money. all levels of the government, have to participate on the "Drug war" and they spend billions of dollars every year to catch peacefull people who get high. These people get put in prison, and taxpayers suffer for it.We have to pay for food, housing, health care, attorney fees, court costs, and other expenses to lock these people up. This is extremely expensive! We could save billions of dollars every year. Plus, if it was legal, the government could collect taxes on it.
    Summarization:We would have more money to spend on important issues, such as war.

    "The third major reason that marijuana should be legal is because prohibition does not help the country in any way, and causes a lot of problems. There is no good evidence that prohibition decreases drug use, and there are several theories that suggest prohibition might actually increase drug use (i.e. the "forbidden fruit" effect, and easier accessibility for youth). One unintended effect of marijuana prohibition is that marijuana is very popular in American high schools. Why? Because it is available. You don't have to be 21 to buy marijuana -- marijuana dealers usually don't care how old you are as long as you have money. It is actually easier for many high school students to obtain marijuana than it is for them to obtain alcohol, because alcohol is legal and therefore regulated to keep it away from kids. If our goal is to reduce drug consumption, then we should focus on open and honest programs to educate youth, regulation to keep drugs away from kids, and treatment programs for people with drug problems. But the current prohibition scheme does not allow such reasonable approaches to marijuana; instead we are stuck with 'DARE' police officers spreading lies about drugs in schools, and policies that result in jail time rather than treatment for people with drug problems. We tried prohibition with alcohol, and that failed miserably. We should be able to learn our lesson and stop repeating the same mistake.
    SUMMARY: Prohibition does not work. Education and treatment are better ways to address the drug problem."
    (I couldn't summarize that one)
    Shad0w Viper likes this.
  2. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    I'm unlocking this, please don't **** it.

    I would strongly appreciate positive posts, and anything less then a paragraph, will be deleted.

    Lastly, please site your sources
  3. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I found another article discussing the medical benefits of Marijuana. The article promotes a book called Dying to Get High: Marijuana as Medicine, and gives a few excerpts:

    "I wasn't the only one surprised to discover that marijuana did in fact have therapeutic effects. Many patients were equally astonished. Like me, they had been recreational users who appreciated the pleasurable effects of marijuana and were suspicious of the claim that the herb was medicine. Then they started chemotherapy, for example, found themselves fighting off non-stop nausea, took a hit and the nausea disappeared. Or they had intolerable nerve pain from multiple sclerosis, AIDS or post-polio syndrome, used some cannabis tincture and the pain quieted down. It was funny how surprised we all were that it really worked."

    This is just another nail in the coffin of the 'arguments' against the legalization of marijuana. There is absolutely no reason for it's continued vilification.
    #143 squidhands, Oct 3, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2008
  4. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Sure, it can be bad (I guess?), but other things are legal tthat are bad if not worse.. The biggest one is alcohol. Alcohol is by far the MOST abused substance in the world. It is still legal. There really is no valid point for it to be illegal. Most of the world has it legal, it can't be that bad can it?
  5. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    That was a good read squid.

    That made me lol...Cause I find it ironically true...

    Say what you want, but I found this touching:


    Looks like I'll be voting for Barack...Considering if McCain wins, I'll probably move out of the ****ing country, no matter the scenario. (Not just because of his view points on medical marijuana) He's an all-around moron, and just changes his views pending on who he is conversing with. Too desiring to be liked, he is so easily manipulated. Something very much not needed as a President in our countries dire times.
  6. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    There is absolutely no reason why marijuana is illegal. It is simply because the governments are afraid of the market. It's just like prohibition; it will eventually fail. Early Christians and spiritual people smoked bud to connect with the higher power. Anyway, there are many pros and cons to Cannabis:

    1. Cannabis has been shown to decrease the growth of cancer cells.
    2. Cannabis has been shown to be an ideal therepeutic drug for AIDS and cancer victims.
    3. Cannabis in its purest form is not physically addictive, as opposed to cigarettes. Only after the addition of outside chemicals such as PCP, meth, or other psychoactive drugs have people become addicted to it.
    4. In people ADHD, Cannabis has proven to be a more effective calming and centering mechanism than drugs like Ritalin.
    5. Cannabis can counteract the negative affects of chemotherapy.
    6. Cannabis is a good pain reliever.
    7. Cannabis has no major negative side affects.
    8. Overdose is impossible except in very rare circumstances where the person smoked enough to kill a small cow.

    1. It is currently illegal in most places in the world.
    2. Many people perceive Cannabis as an addictive substance because people become psychologically addicted to the feeling of being high.
    3. Cannabis does impair judgement, reflexes, and senses, but not nearly to the extent of alcohol.
    5. Cannabis joints have five times the amount of tar as a single cigarette.
    6. Because of the increased demand, Cannabis strength has increased by 350% in the last twenty years, thus increasing the high, but also the negative affects on the user's body.
    7. Bongs and pipes are expensive.
    Jimbodawg likes this.
  7. redshadow1337

    redshadow1337 Ancient
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    I take into consideration of all the statements before me but i still think it should not be legalized. What good reason is there to legalize it, yes i know alcohol is the same way yes but they can tax alcohol and it also is a gathering drink as for weed no one likes smoke in their face and such, also ALOT of people are alergic to smoke or just the plant same with cigaretts which is slowly and thank god becoming more illegal to use(in certain places but eventually everywhere). I say this because i am alergic and fankley i don't want to be sneezing, irated, itchy, and soar everywhere i go. And plus more accidents and stupidity will come with it as does alcohol already have. I wouldn't even care if alcohol gets to be illegal becuase i have had enough of my relitives die from it! Before i am done i would like to add a couple more things. It is a sad generation that we all think alcohol is good, so what ever, they don't think they just go along as people say thats most likely why it is still legal. Weed on the other hand people know it is bad but again don't think about it, it can be good for MS, but there are other remadiese so still really no use. What really agetates me is that some/most people smoke weed becuase they think its cool, like what kind of retarded reason is that? Now to come down and sum up what i said. NO weed! (period)
    #147 redshadow1337, Oct 9, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2008
    Dr. Chombie likes this.
  8. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    You obviously didn't read the statements before yours...

    And they wouldn't be able to tax marijuana?

    You don't think weed brings people together?

    I love the smell of marijuana, as do many others...

    People are also alergic to grass and/or dust.

    There is a massive difference in the smoke contents of cigarettes & marijuana. Cigarettes are deadly, where as marjijuana is not.

    o/ for being selfish ;]

    Driving under the influence of alcohol is about 20 times worse (if not more) then driving under the influence of marijuana. Try them some time.

    True, people die every day from drunk drivers. Though, the illegalization of alcohol has gone into the past, and in the current times, laws are getting stricter on DUIs. Lastly, this is a debate on the legalization of marijauana...Not the legalization of alcohol =]
    Jimbodawg likes this.
  9. desert elite

    desert elite Ancient
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    I dont think marijauana should be legalized.It may cause more car accidents,not as bad alcohol but it could still cause those little fender benders.If its not legalized it doesnt matter to me becuase I dont do drugs.

    And trust me theres enough kids in my school who are addicted to crap like LSD,Marijuana,Cocaine,Black Mile(somesort of codename for a drug) and heroin.I have even witnessed them snorting **** in class when the teachers dont look.And going to class whille high.They also use drugs in the bathroom.My school is full of drug users somebody gets drug tested every day.

    I want to somehow make a video documentary on youtube to show how much kids use drugs in my school.
  10. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Sorry to drift off topic.

    I doubt your classmates would be happy if you let the entire world know what drugs they were doing.
  11. redshadow1337

    redshadow1337 Ancient
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    I did in fact read the messages before me although i am not the most absorbent person. Sorry if i missed any key facts or comments.

    Actaully i'm not so sure myself i found that info when searching the web so i thought i'd add that in.

    That is not what i intended it to mean, i mean't that alcohol is a drink that family gatherings and such have they're not going to sit around and smoke up. Yes weed brings people together, normally for gangster posers to smoke up and go be retarded and vandelize. I don't mean thats what always happens but certinly in my area (sorry for the bias but thats information from a source)

    I have never met or known anyone who liked the smell of weed so i am sorry but i was unaware. But do you lke the smell of the smoke or the plant? I have never smelled the plant but i hate the smoke.

    As am i, algeric to almost everything, BUT it narrows it down so i am less likely to get an allergic reaction all the time [like at school i don't even know what my school smells like (not nesesarly a bad thing) becuase i am always plugged up becuase of smoke.

    How many people do you know who smoke pure marijuana without tabaco? Every person i have seen and known about smoke it with tabaco so its cheaper and they don't green out.And they haven't tested marijuana fully enough to make sure that there aren't any serious side effects.


    I did a project on this before and there about the same the worst thing to do besides being unconcious at the wheel is talking on a cell phone.

    Well i brought up family history and bad experiences sorry i got a bit into it, it's still particially related maybe a tiny bit lol.

    To add one last point marijuana also leads to harder drugs because people can't get the high they want.
    #151 redshadow1337, Oct 9, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2008
  12. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    Marijuana? NO!!!

    personally i do not think that marijuana should be legalized. why? i'll tell you why:

    Clinical Depression
    Research has linked the use of marijuana with the onset of clinical depression. Clinical depression differs from “the blues ” in that it can make basic functioning impossible. Life may seem worthless and boring. You mightn’t be able to see a future for yourself. Suicide might even begin to see like a feasible way out.
    Consuming marijuana in large doses can lead to the belief that everyone’s watching you. This can be particularly unpleasant if you are in a hostile environment where depending on the circumstances it can escalate into a full on panic attack.
    Residual paranoia can become a permanent fixture in your life if you fail to contain your habit. It is a serious mental disorder which shouldn’t be taken lightly. It can have adverse effects on your career, family and social life.
    Short Term Memory Loss
    Memory loss during a toking session is often seen as hilarious - but not so much if you are in “the real world” and someone is relying upon your mind to function correctly. Why bother risking your future at all?
    Smoking Marijuana can lead to lung cancer - which is consistently one of the biggest killers in the West.
    Weight Gain
    The “munchies” might seem like a relatively harmless symptom of smoking marijuana but sustained overeating can lead to serious weight gain. Ask yourself this…..what effect would this have upon your self esteem? Would it lead you into consuming more Marijuana to forget about your problems? Could this in turn lead you to withdraw evermore from society?

    and these facts directly from the interwebs. they are just some of the effects that can take place. most of you are right. smoking tobacco can be worse, but why don't you read these facts and decide for yourself. if you wanna kill yourself then go ahead (though i hope you dont) but i think you guys should know this. and if you guys want more facts, feel free to say so. i can give you people more page long effects on marijuana...
    #152 Dr. Chombie, Oct 9, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2008
  13. desert elite

    desert elite Ancient
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    Yes darkmaster949,one of my best friends who I used to skate with became addicted to drugs he gets drunk on the regular and smokes pot and does who knows what ciggarettes etc.We still talk every now and then but I cant stand the smell of marijuana or ciggeratte smoke.
  14. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    To begin, I don't know why I'm wasting my time arguing this, when I don't really care what you think, especially considering you're both ignorant to the realities of marijuana. Being brought up the you way you have, you have formed a belief on this topic, that no one can alter. Mainly because your parents/your schools/your government want you to think the way you do, and you have done a great job of fulfilling their desires. Congratulations on being a conformists.

    Oh, and also, before I carry on, please, work on your spelling. It's rather irritating reading **** that is one step closer to being 1337 speak.

    Lastly, I'm going to mention this at least two more times, (Look for the *'s) but cite your sources, I do not credit the opinions of some random person off the internet solely for their "opinions" or "experiences." The experiences only help to put your view point in a certain topic into an adamant stand, which is much less conceivable without the help of a cited source.

    You need to learn how to comprehend what you read then, otherwise it does no good to have read it in the first place.

    *Cite your sources then please.

    A) Gangster "posers" aren't the only ones who gather to smoke weed. 10,000 college students gather every year on the date of 4/20 to smoke, despite attempts made by the police to stop them.

    A crowd of about 10,000 people collectively began counting down on the University of Colorado's Norlin Quadrangle just before 4:20 p.m. Sunday.


    B) More parents then you would suspect smoke marijuana, and (if responsible parents) await their child's 16th-21st birthday, and enjoy a small gathering with their child to celebrate said day.

    Both. You'll find that quite a lot of people enjoy the smell of marijuana. Only a few don't.

    If you'll read through all three pages, you'll see a vast majority agree the smell is pleasant, while the small, select few disagree it's a great aroma.

    Well, it would appear your point is rather...null...No offense, but if you're allergic to a lot of things, then the fact of you being allergic to smoke, should not effect those who aren't.

    Well, I know a few, but it's an option to smoke the cigarettes, that's really beside the point. And they have tested marijuana more then you know. There are no serious side effects to marijuana. Please, read up on it.


    You probably scored relatively high, considering that's what your school wants you to believe...


    No. No marijuana does not lead to other drugs, it is this thought that pisses me off the most. This thought alone is what proved to me that you have been brainwashed into this belief. The drug itself does not lead to other drugs, it is the dealer, to whom you go to get said drug, that directs you to other drugs. As the dealer is a selfish pile of **** (not in all cases), just looking for income. Said income can severely increase simply by moving into newer/different drugs.

    Oh god...

    People are more depressed by going to their petty job everyday, sitting behind a desk, talking to some stranger, they'll never talk to again, and working round the clock 24/7 just for a means to no end.

    They're paranoid that they'll get caught being high - ie. go to jail for doing something illegal.

    Legalize it, and they have no reason to be paranoid.

    o/ for your invalid point.

    Actually, that's a bit over-exaggerated. Sounds like a Truth / Above the Influence commercial...

    Get a vaporizer, get no smoke.

    o/ for your invalid point.

    LOL, I've had friends who never used to smoke, and were overweight, then started smoking, and became as lean as me. That's ironic, wouldn't you agree?

    *Do not say that without proving where you got said facts.

    It's thinking like that, that proves that you've been brainwashed...

    I find that very...demeaning to our culture (culture meaning the culture of America) as a whole...As there is a vast population who smokes marijuana.

    Please no...It's just going to be right-winged bullshit fed to you by your parents/school/government, as aforementioned...

    Which will have been if from a cited source, funded by the government. When you go to look for your sources, please, check it out thoroughly before trying to use it.

    I really don't look forward to your replies...

    But I know they're coming...
  15. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    If anyone here smokes, you'll understand that Tex is indeed right.

    As far as sources say, it's a different high for person to person. But a "high" is relatively a time of peace and relaxation. It helps calm your nerves with THC, yes I could get a quick buzz from a Black and Mild, but a high is much better. Better than tylenol and other pain killers (refers to my previous posts in this thread, I have an entire argument against the use of painkillers when in comparison, medical marijuana has a much better effect and less impact on your kidneys)

    Your brain already creates a diluted version of marijuana, what difference does it make if we smoke it?
    Willmatic likes this.
  16. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    okay i only read the first page but i thought i would say... i no lots of kids that started weed in like 7th grade... there idiots... one of them is not living w/ his only parent his mom and is instead living n strick foster care and his brother was sent to like a Boys town for the second time... n may never come home... his mom has a breathing problem and has to breath out of a hole in her neck and now has no1 home to care 4 her... the other kid was CRAZY good at basketball... he could make trees backward 9/10x in 3rd grade and was making 4/10 half courts in 4th grade he got on that **** too... now thats bout all he does he gets dumped when ppl find out bout it... and needless to say has lost his AMAZING bball skillz... im not ripping on the **** but think bout this how would u feel is u found ur son doing this when u r older and what u spossed to say to him... eventually u wont care if he does and he will F&*^ up too... i no kids whose parents did it and at first his parents got pissed then he started saying Y U CARE U DO IT TOO... now his parents dont give a fly's @$$ and he is doing it all da time... i wont touch that stuff i no better if i wanna feel good bout myself i will just like eat some chocolate ice cream... lol... but thats just my opinion... and im fine if u do it but i wont n nether will mah kids lol WOW THAT WAS LONG and do what u will i wont change u lol
  17. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Jesus ****.

    Die in a ****ing hole ok?

    Suffocate in smoke.

    If I wanted to be a little **** like you, I would have just said "i'm smart, and i'm still smart even though I smoke weed to help calm my overwhelming amount of stress."

    but I don't, I use scientific evidence and arguable points to make kids like you look dumber.

    Your argument, is kaput.

    Read me. I help ignorant kids be informed. I'm a marijuana fact sheet.
  18. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    drugs are so sad!!

    yup. you knew it Tex. you knew they were coming

    but are you actually kidding me? i really do not wish to argue with a druggy but when it comes to this huge drug problem thats ****ing up our world i feel i really need to help. first off, what kind of bullshit is all of this. you really don't believe you can get cancer from smoking marijuana? are you out of your ****ing mind?! pardon my language please, but honestly the only people i know who actually smoke marijuana are either huge posers who think its cool to smoke marijuana or people who need it for medical treatment. hey you know what? it's fine that you smoke this drug. i dont care, but you know what? you deny the fact that people do drugs because they think its cool, well why did you start it in the first place? surely you knew about all the things that it could do to you right? surely you did not start because someone said it tasted good. i bet you thought the person was so cool because he did drugs that you would start too right? because though you are trying to defend yourself right now you know what these things can do to you. go ahead hide, but when you come complaining to forge hub that you want to commit suicide due to one of the effects of marijuana then don't cry to me. i told you what would happen but you threw it in my face. Why do you think marijuana is illegal? because it smells bad? NO!!! because it kills. Oh please dont tell me your gonna reply saying that marijuana doesn't kill! and please don't try to convince us that marijuan is good for you, because it's not. unfortunately i am lost and cannot think of anything else to say right now, not to mention i have a life and it doesn't involve marijuana (because i actually like to enjoy life) so i'm gonna get off now and maybe play hockey or something. oh and also don't post something saying 'oh you dont have a life darkmaster you play video games all day'. well that may be so but at least i'm not getting stoned trying to be cool knowing i have no life. i'm finished and i know you're gonna post a reply talking all smart because you'll try to make me feel stupid but it's ok. as long as my friends know that drugs are bad then thats all that matters.

    and btw here's the link you wanted that has the info i gave you earlier
    Facts About Marijuana Harmful Effects of Marijuana
    and yes, these are all true and no, i dont do drugs because my parents tell me not to. i dont do drugs because i'm smart i actually pay attention to what happens to those who do them. i'm not stupid you know. know matter how stupid my post sounds, i'm NOT STUPID!!
    #158 Dr. Chombie, Oct 9, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2008
  19. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    I'm not a druggy, and I think I enjoy my life more than you.

    Please discontinue your life.
    Taking ibuprofen (advil) can eventually lead to kidney failure.

    you are wrong. again.
  20. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Whoever sais it shouldn't be legal never smoked it before so their opinions shouldn't matter. Hell I'm proof, just like both Vinny, Tex (just to name a few), we all have our sources and know what we are talking about and we all smoke weed. Kind of ironic don't you think because according to some people it makes you stupid.

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