Hello fellow forgers, this Friday I will be working on a LVU campus remake on Foundry. (That's if I get the map pack, 90% I will) So i'll be busting my ass of on that for a while, but here's where you guys come in. Instead of taking 14 hours on it, it could be done in maybe like 2 if I had your help. You might not even have to really work, just throw in some new ideas on gun placements, new rooms, delete some old rooms, ect. All help would be most apreciated!
I suck at forge, so I can't really help with that part but I would definitely help test it when your done and I'll download it when it's out cause I love this map in Rainbow 6 Vegas.
Yeah that help would help me out allot for people to help me with gun placements and new rooms. Also, I'll make a good Terrorist Hunt Game-mode for it.