Could someone render these for me. I can't see why I'm having such trouble with these, but anyways, Plus Rep to whom ever does the best job and or tries hard. Here are the images. Also, if allowed, I'd like to add them to my Planet Renders profile giving credit to whomever renders them for me.
Or create a transparent document and move the image to the transparent document and use the history brush....
My outcome is the same as Dizfunky sadly. I wanted to remove the white outline along the border of the image. It's really bothering me a lot. Also, Paranormal, I've never done what you're talking about. Got a tutorial on how to do it?
I bet if I took the time to actually render it instead of using the magic eraser tool I could get rid of that... But I would want something in return.
can't you just cut it out with a select tool and then set the color to transparency. of course the white coats might screw that up.
I would plus rep you, but it said I've done it already earlier. Can you show me a tutorial on how to do that?
I just used the pentool, went around the guys, selected it, inverted the selection and pressed delete. Then, I erased any imperfections with a 1px-3px brush. I found this helpful...I didn't make this though.
I know this tutorial. Alright. Thats cool. Thanks for your help. I'm gonna start working on my background using these renders. Once again, thanks Dizfunky. I'm in debt to you.
Easy way out: Magic wand it, when it has the white outline, do this. Ctrl + Click on the little thumbnail next to the layer, selecting the render. Select > Modify > Contract >1px Select > Inverse Hit Delete. If you still have a white outline, try 2px or even 3px. (Just an easy way out if you ever come to need this again.)