Story They heard a shot in the distance. It sounded like a beam rifle shot. "Luke, go check it out!" Ordered Sargent Anderson. After grabbing the binoculars, Luke replies, "Sir, you're not going to like this, but there's a Covenant training camp on the other side of this valley, and it appears that they've scavaged old UNSC equipment to set up their base." "Damn, it's about to get real ugly. Team, lock and load!" ________________________________________________________________________ Ya, i know, it was a short story. Pics Weapon, Vehicle, and Equipment List Sword x 1 Magnum x 2 Assault Rifle x 3 Battle Rifle x 5 Carbine x 4 Shotgun x 1 Smg x 2 Sniper Rifle x 1 Rocket Launcher x 1 Brute Shot x 2 Machine Gun Turret x 1 Plasma Cannon x 1 Fuel Rod Gun x 1 Flamethrower x 1 Beam Rifle x 1 Ghost x 2 Warthog x 1 Bubble Shield x 1 Regenerator x 1 Overshield x 1 Active Camo x 1 Description Camp is a map good for all gametypes. It is a symeterical map that is supposed to be about the group of humans fighting off, and looking to destroy the Covenant. The humans of course spawn at the campsite shown it the picture. The Covenant spawn spawn on the other side of the map. The campsites are NOT supposed to be like a heavily fortified base, they are just a spot to spawn at and plant bombs. Bungie Post I dont expect this to be very popular, i only think it will get 3 stars for its rating.
Not bad, I like how it was done on Standoff and NOT in the bases. If I were you, I'd change it so that you have an item list for items at each base, and the ones outside. Keep it up!
Looks like the Flamethower would be pretty useless on such an open map. 1 place to spawn for each team = spawn camping. The map looks rather dull. Nothing really standing out about it.
Cool bases, the covenant ones pretty suck though. I like the map, but could you put some descriptions for your pictures? that would be nice with a few jokes. 4/5 keep forging.
i love the idea. also nice story lol as for the gameplay, it is okay, but not much cover. you need to add more. 4/5
Its look very cool but plain. Try spreading the weapons out across the map in little shacks. It will make it more tactical and possibly reduce spawn camping due to ammo issues.
The pictures or description aren't giving me enough information on the map to download. And as sexy dude said, yeah, you should add an overview picture, just edit it in.
Looks ok, but there's something wrong with your story: The covenant never use UNSC technology. I beleive I quote from the fall of reach: "He had seen a jackal fight hand to hand instead of picking up a fully loaded Ma5B assault rifle on the ground"
The story for it is kinda weak but that doesnt matter whatr matters is this map it's kinda plain and spawn camping might seem like a problem, Plus this is kinda open, try making this on a smaller map, I think you would do good at a MLG map.
looks like a pretty good attack and defend type map, I'm not to big on the standoff maps but I'll download just to try it out.
thanks for all the feedback, i'm editing this map as i right this post. i'll put in more spawn points, weapons, and more cover. if anybody else has ideas, please tell me.