Morbais Arena ][ v2 Created By Rob Woodley & Sgt El Zilcho Major Credit To Rob for merging the box into the crane and making one half of this great map. --> Download <-- You asked and we delivered, here is a completely new remake of the same map, this version is a bit smaller but that might be for the better because the old map with 2 players was a bit big so here it is. I'll start with some screen shots. Arena Center The Center From Above The Side Spawning Area The Man Cannon The Rockets In The Middle The Hardest Part to Merge Was This New Slanted Arena Wall Weapon List Brute Shot (UT Rocet Launcher) Rocket Launcher (UT Redeemer) You can replace the wepons on map with your weapons of choice, so the weapons on here aren't a big deal. I suggest listening to this music in the background, it makes it feel more like UT: Go Down Version 2 works with Slayer, Team Slayer, Oddball, King Of The Hill & CTF (note CTF may be a bit buggy) Gamertag: Sgt El Zilcho Constructive critisism welcome. --> Download <--
Hmm....Looks good for a FFA in my case, 4/5. I like how you used Fence boxes as the roof. I don't see that a lot in maps anymore. EDIT: 4.5/5 since that the layout is good.
This is great, I've been meaning to make a UT map. I actually have the whole soundtrack from the first Unreal to UT04.
Wow the aestletic part looks very cool! A beautiful new arena map for forgehub! Great job on that! I take that the rockets have 2 shots? Evan that could still be enough. With a map as small as this the rockets could cause unbalence and spawn killing. Did you test to make sure they were okay? It looks like a single brute shot or mauler with low amo could be perfect there. I think this is a nice arena map though. I will DL and see how the rockets play. Great job 4.5/5
Very good, However you might want to be careful when you use that many fence walls/boxes/stairs with mancannons, because it gets VERY laggy.
I'm updating this, and the updated version has support for capture the flag, assault, oddball & king of the hill. it will be up tommorrow, until then enjoy this version there's nothing magerly wrong with it.
i must say this is an extemly accurate version of the UT map that i know i love and so do many others
I've updated it, as you can see on the first post it now supports more than slayer and if you downloaded the very first version within the first hour of it being on, this version fixes the spawning out side the map problem, enjoy
Looks like a cool remake. Nice interlocking with the walls to make them slanted and nice geomerging. 4/5 oh yea and why's this in the casual map section? EDIT: Competitive, since it can be used with many games, not just one specific one.
looks very good. i dont think i have played that UT map XD i think im gonna dl it, but i think you should have made a gametype were you move a bit faste (like in UT)