Click here for video This is one of the funniest videos ever, the kid is so racist and retarded.Im sorry if someone already posted this i looked it pu on the search bar and nothing came up so..
I hate playing with little kids that think they know how to cuss. ''Holla Holla get Dolla.'' Aimeanwtfrite!?
I hate little kids like this, they get on live and they think oh no one knows me so I can say any word I want. What the hell is a spic?
Lol this would be great if it was a troll via counterstrike, but it's actually how the kid is. Which makes me not want to live in America anymore.....
The Holla Holla Dolla Dolla thing was kind of funny, but I still think that the machinima movie CS for kids is funnier. IMO
Could anyone else imagine this kid at home talking smack then his mom walks in the door, he turns off his mic and doesn't talk the rest of the game?