ARSENAL [FONT="]This map is small, but it has 3 floors.It is good for free for all games like juggernaut,oddball,and other slayer games you want to put. but its not just for free for all,team slayer works for 4 to 8 players team slayer that are playable are team slayer,capture the flag,assault,and,VIP, [/FONT][FONT="]WEAPONS IN SIDE THE MAP * 2 Spykers * 1 Energy sword * 2 Battle Riffles * 1 carbine * 1 needler * 1 shot gun * 1 plasma riffle * 1 assault riffle * 1 brute shot * 2 magnums * 2 smgs * 1 sniper * 1 rocket launcher [/FONT][FONT="]EQUIPMENTS [/FONT][FONT="] *2FIRE BOMBS *6PLASMA GRENADES *1POWER DRAIN *1 REGENERATOR *1TRIPMINE *1OVERSHIELD *1CAMO *1CUSTOM POWER UP (FOR USE OF ELEVATORS) *1FLARE [/FONT][FONT="] There is a secrete room and in that secrete room there is an Easter egg that i left behind the map for memories and signature If you fond the room you fond the Easter egg, and if your in the room you will be trap you have to wait till party leader ends the game or time limit is over [/FONT][FONT="]Here are pictures and views of the map [/FONT][FONT="] 2nd floor and 3rd floor elevator to the third floor 1st floor teams spawn heads up pow right in the kisser more pics is what u ask Map [/FONT] : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing other maps that i made
First of all, using the phrase "trapped like a retard" wasn't your smartest move...I would take that out. But anyway, on to the map. The layout is good but you should spend more time interlocking your structures. It will make things run smoother. 3/5
This probably is not balanced, you have a lot of equipment and power weapons. You can't do that on a small map. And nothing really is special on this map that stands out from the rest. A 2/5 for you, sorry mate.
You're going to need a lot longer of a description. If you aren't already using a template, try to use Shocktheta's. The pictures are pretty descriptive, nice job on that for your first post. Overall, I think the map looks pretty good. It's a big map but when you used the other parts of Foundry is just looks like you put a bunch of dumpsters on the ground. Maybe if you don't have objects for the area, you could just block it off. 4/5.
This looks very good BUT, here are the things to change for V2: Get rid of some weapons as there are too many. Turn the bridges over, it runs smoother. Get rid of some of the equipment as there are way too many.
I would say that you need a better use of space and actually preferably less space. I personally like very claustrophobic maps where there isn't much space like a CQC map. In other words, if your just going to have an open area with dumpsters, don't bother making that area.
you shouldnt have a secret room that gets you trapped and then the host has to end game, thats just stupid and will get people to'd, good job over all though you need to fix up a lot of stuff including almost everything a good map has all the objects interlocked for smoothness
wow if you did say traped like a retard then personanlly i would banded you it isn't funny or nice any way the map is okay it looks like fun