Hey, I just jailbroke my iPod touch. There are a hell of alot of applications to go check out. And I was thinking I'd ask you people what the best iPod applications are that I should get. So post your favourite iPod apps here so I can win at life. Remember this is general chat, no spam. I currently have: -agile mobile messenger -pocketguitar -MxTube -iCopter -NeverballME -Convert -TTR -Cydia installer Try include the sources if you can.
I just UN-jailbroke my ipod. I like having YouTube, it doesnt crash as much, and it doesnt take up unneccessary space. The update is totally worth it, its got the Application Store.
get evernote...it helps me get organized like ****...tap tap revenge for the app store is like 50 times better, and allows even multiplayer! i have summerboard customizer icopter installer (lol ya) i jailbroke with ziphone 2.6 (WHICH ONE DID YOU HAVE?)
I have the app store and it works fine, half of the free games are awesome, and all of the apps , all of them, work. This is just my opinion but I think you should un-jailbrake your iPod. It is pretty much useless with the app store.
Plus, the number one reason NOT to jailbreak your iPod that no one's mentioned yet: It voids your warranty. You can laugh if you want, but personally, I don't want to throw $299.99 of my hard-earned money out the door when Apple bricks it with a new update or it breaks.
For all the 'Anti-Jailbreakers' out t here. Having the Installer App makes the Apple App Store completely futile. The whole point of the App Store is to bring more fuctionality to the iPod/iPhone and yet they seem to just release ineffective and irritatingly useless Apps. A cowbell? Come on... The Jailkbreaking software, ZiPhone automatically adds the Installer App to your iP~, allowing you to already download hundreds of previously unavailable Apps. Not only that but you can add more 'sources' to Installer. Similar to adding a new RSS Feed to Firefox, supplying your iP~ with many more Apps. I have Jailbroken my iPod16GB in this way and am so thankful for having the ability to do so. I do not own a Visa card or any other credit for that matter, so I could not even access the App store to download other Apps, for free or otherwise. Why? Because Apple decided that you need to input credit card details just to register an account with them. So not only is this alternate method easier but it's free as well. Anyway, my current favourite Apps are;PocketTouch agileMOBILE MxTube colloQ Flashlight FWChanger iRadio Cydia iPhysics THTouchI can not remember exactly what sources I found these through but I do know that if you add the main sources at the top and the 'popular sources' just below then you will find them. Full List of Installer.app Sources
Reyn, what does "iPhysics" do? Ipods cost 150$ a month here, after 300$, they seem like nifty little portable gadgets, but the cost is too much.
I believe you're thinking of the iPhone. An iPod is an MP3 player + video/internet etc. iPhysics is a physics based drawing game. Same principle as one I've seen around the net somewhere. Can't find a link to it. I think it was caled 'Crayon Physics', something to that effect.
Well, you put up a good point, but I don't think I'm going to jail-break mine when I buy one. There are many positive effects indeed, but I don't want to risk it for the price.
In time some decent apps will become available on the apple store. Most good software takes time to develop, and many companies didn't get the dev kits until a few months ago. I figure within the year you'll see some really cool stuff released. Its the same concept as forge. When Foundry first came out, horrible maps were released within the first few minutes....but it took a few weeks/ months before you saw some quality maps out there.
Oh sure of course. But why wait to see good Apps that you have to pay for when you can have good Apps now for free?
Kinda-ish, this is the computer version. It's basically the exact same thing but for the iPod/iPhone. Completely limitless amounts of levels you can create and download. Like thousands... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZaxO6wbxi8
Oh yeah, right now you're probably better off jailbreaking your itouch for apps. But a few months down the road you might be better off resetting your ipod touch and going the official route.
this is everything i learned today when i researched and jailbroke my ipod touch: okay so jailbreaking voids the warranty yes, but you are all forgetting how simple it is to restore your ipod back to factory settings... You can even do it without itunes recognizing your ipod. you can hack your ipod as much as you want. You can never completely break an ipod (unless you physically break it) There will always be a way to restore it back to factory settings, and that unvoids your warranty. my ipod touch is jailbroken, AND i have the $20 update. So i still have youtube, the official app store and the other fun things. this is how i did it to my ipod touch(2.0) It is COMPLETELY worth it to jailbreak your ipod. If you dont there is something wrong with you...
Did you download Winterboard? its quite useful. Also, to make it easier to deal with sources and things do this: 1)go to Cydia home > More sources > PwnCenter > download PwnCenter. 2)Go to search > Search Allsources > Download Tis package gives you al the trusted sources, so you dont have to keep downloading sources seperately for certain apps. Hope this helped