Which battle Rifle do you guys like more i like the halo 2 one because i was able to bxr quadshot doubleshot excessive shot it was so fun ur team could leave you and if u were good at button combos it could be an easy win. but i have to say with the halo 3 Battle Rifle i feel like my shots are more steady than ever??
Is there really a point for this topic? The H2 battle rifle was clearly better but was toned down and made fair in H3.
The Halo 2 BR was a mid-range headshot monster, the Halo 3 BR is much more flexible at shorter ranges. I like the new tactics of the Halo 3 BR, the ballance is much better.
Reminds me a lot about the "Which Sniper" thread, or something like that. H2 Battle Rifle could shoot, and the bullets could get there instantly, like the H2 Sniper. In H3, they made the bullets travel in frames, so it would be more balanced.
I don't know what the difference is butt I have played both games and i cant tell the difference thats just me I like halo 3 br
I like the Halo 3 BR better, it's more balanced and not overpowered, which is really what MLG wants, right?
The Halo 3 BR has more of a spread, making it less powerful over sniper-level-ranges. Basically, the Halo 3 battle rifle is more balanced.
Simple mathmatics. 3 > 2. I like the Battlerifle in Halo 3, because of the rest of the game that goes along with it.
I was a Big fan of the Halo 2 Battle Rifle i miss the power that it had... Though i agree the halo 3 one has created more balance
I like the less auto aim of the h3 BR, but the spread makes it random plus it has hit detection issues and aim acceleration makes aiming gay. I vote h2 br.