But bad for Multiplayer Its one of FC:IP's flaws when it comes to custom maps. It cripples player movement to stay out of trouble, because you can hide pretty much anywhere, and the only way to beat it is to hide more than your opponent.
True. My best FC:IP map was called killzone. I made it only using the starting island they gave you with the research brush set. Everyone I played it with loved it.
Farcrys gameplay is better for its type of maps, i rather have camping gameplay for farcry then halo gameplay.But it mostly depends on your map how the gameplay is.
I saw the new videos and they just make me want the game more and more i cant wait to get the game. I have alot of ideas.
Hey matty can you dig anything up if you can make tunnels like through stuff like, in fcip you cant have a tunnel going through a mountain but can you do that stuff in fc2?
God dammit. The more I look at this thread, the more I want the game. Anyone wantsa be my FC2 MapMate? =D
Well they said that somebody made a subway, I don't think there will be a tunnel tool, but instead i think that the massive amount of scenery will allow you to create a ditch and place a roof over it with the objects, and have it still look pretty realistic. We already know that the rock placing tool is a brush, but if we can place rocks individually and where we want, then yes you could basicly make an entire cave from it.
Wow. Cave. How many god DAMN possiblities will there be? A whole map made entirely out of tunnels... Heck, you can make maps like Isolation with this. F**K
No, a full water map that has a cave that is the only air pocket. Yea. Wait. This game is a fapfest. lololol
One thing i would like to know right now is, if the machete be used in Multiplayer. In FC:IP it was just a button, you couldn't have the Machete drawn. In FC2 you equip it, so it might not be used. And if it is, i wonder what other equipment can be used. Monocular? Also, i would love to have a 10 way FFA fight with flamethrowers lol.
I think I'm going to play this more than I played Halo. I mean seriously, a map creator is one of the best ideas for a video game ever.