Well General Chat is dying. And for some reason Reynbow isn't around with any amazing news, so I figured I'd post my mediocre news. Fame finds 4-eared feline thanks to Internet photo DOWNERS GROVE, Ill. — The owners of Yoda — a cat with four ears — could use a couple extra hands to answer their telephones. Ted and Valerie Rock said they've been inundated with television offers and media inquiries since their son posted a photo of their smoke-colored cat on a Web site. That turned the four-eared feline from a suburban animal oddity into an instant Internet celebrity. The Rocks, from the Chicago suburb of Downers Grove, have fielded calls from "Good Morning America," "Fox News" and "The Tyra Banks Show." The cat's photo has graced the London Guardian and a British tabloid. The Daily Mail said if Batman had a cat, it would be Yoda. "It's amazing," Ted Rock said. "For the past few days, our phone has just been ringing off the hook." Yoda's extra ears give him a hint of a devilish appearance. The Rocks said they found him in 2006 while watching a Chicago Bears game at a Blue Island bar. Some in the bar were passing the then-eight-week old kitten around, making fun of his extra set of ears, mocking his appearance and calling him names such as "Devil Cat" and "Beelzebub." It wasn't quite love at first sight, but the Rocks felt sorry for the cat and offered to adopt the kitten from the bar's owner, who kept the animal caged atop the bar for his customers' amusement. Not much to discuss. just more internet shananiginary. I couldn't find a pic (mostly because I didn't search 'cause Googles broken) so whoever wants to can post pictures. Source Site
Thanks whisper. And I meant that my computer is screwed up and doesn't work for me. I'm not sure why you'd call these people just because they has a four eared cat.
thats the gist of it. but its got more ears than most. almost twice as many. with great power comes great resposibility... yanowuti'msayn
Yeah, like I'm gonna do the job for him when he should have done it himself in the first place. Anyways, I wish my cat had that getup going on. Love her to death, but having ears in that fashion would make her invaluable. And a little bit above the bar of acceptably cute.
looks weird.. but i dont understand why people would thinks its worth having on a tv show, but i think that it should be in a ripleys beileive it or not or would that qualify with 2-headed snakes and such?
Aww. It's actually kind of cute. I prefer my cat but yea. It does look strange in the picture above though.
It's adorable. People just like oddities and want to make them famous or just tell people about them.
What happens on the Internet, Stays on the Internet, And everywhere Else for that matter. lol 4 eared cat...