I noticed today that Bungie announced that AI bots on multi player maps won't happen. I figured that this was rumors from the fans. Although the blue grid shown in the videos could be Bungie's map maker and editor and they could be creating a new map for us. Obviously this could be the worst of news, but it should be obvious because it seemed like a rumor to begin with. Anyways, I just want all of your opinions on what could or won't happen.
Finally a good update (Will edit in my input once finished reading.) What I think about each of the playlist updates: Spoiler Before we drill into the playlist specific changes, here’s the list of changes that will affect all of matchmaking. Added Epilogue – Epitaph with no Shield Doors. Added alongside default variant. YES Added Boundless – Snowbound with reduced Shield Doors. Added alongside default variant. Yes! Added Sand Tarp – Sandtrap sans Elephants, default team spawns switched in one-sided games. Added alongside default map variant. WTF??? Added Pit Stop – The Pit with inaccessible spawn hives. Added alongside default map variant. Again WTF Ghost Town – No longer appears in any symmetrical gametype. Made for one sided Team Slayer – Spawning configuration in default Team Slayer now includes a secondary weapon – the magnum YES YES YES Shishka is shuffling up the existing suite of playlists, moving things around, deleting others and adding some new playlists. Lets see. Ranked Playlists Lone Wolves Player count increases from six players to 8 players. OMG MAYBE I CAN GET MY 50 NOW Team Objective Crazy King Hill times increased to one minute. Hill Movement set to Sequence (was Random). IDC only play if i feel like raping people Team Doubles This playlist now requires ALL content (Cold Storage, Legendary and Heroic maps are being used in Team Doubles) I has all DLC so great Objective Gametypes have had their appearance frequency reduced. Yes Crazy King Hill times increased to one minute. Hill Movement set to Sequence (was Random). IDC Ranked Big Team Battle This playlist is retired. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Introducing Squad Battle Squad Battle is a Ranked six on six Playlist designed to fill some of the void left by excising Ranked Big Team Battle from the Halo 3 Playlists. Squad Battle gametypes are focused on Slayer and Capture the Flag and this playlist currently requires the Heroic Map Pack. I dont get it lets find out later Social Playlists Big Team Social This playlist is retired. THOSE DAMN DIRTY APES! Rocket Race This playlist is retired. Again, NOOOOOOOOO Multi Team Rocket Race has been added to the gametypes and set with a low weighting. Still sadfaced DLC Playlists Since Big Team was cut from Social, eight on eight action is reborn in the overhauled DLC playlists section of Matchmaking. DLC Slayer and Objective are both retired. These playlists require Halo 3 Downloadable Content (at least up through Legendary, but in the case of FFA, it requires all DLC) to participate. DLC FFA This is an eight-player Free For All hopper focused on DLC content. The gametypes contained herein are a mix of Slayer, Objective and Infection modes. This wins DLC Big Team Eight on eight Social Slayer and Objective action (Gametypes from Big Team Social) WINS Focused on DLC content (Requires both Heroic and Legendary Map Packs) DUH!? Hardcore Playlists Team SWAT Objective Gametypes, SWATGuns set to skip after veto JUST ****ING TAKE IT OUT Weighting on all Objective games, SWATGuns and Magnums reduced One step Player Damage Resistance set to 150% (was 200%), players no longer spawn with grenades Who cares? SWAT map variants now have Carbines and grenades available to pick up. OK???? Head to Head This playlist is retired. Wait what? MUSIC TO MY EARS!!!! OMFG just give us ****ing pics and a release date! We still might have a map editor people. AI was definently out of the question.
I wish we could have AIs and/or 'campaign editor'. After that announcement (although I didn't believe there would be AIs), I'm not going to try and gather anything else from updates or movies. I'll just listen to what they give us in clear facts.
They did NOT deny the new map editor, but they DID deny AI. Strange.... Seems they purposely avoided the map editor topic. Maybe they didn't want to lie about it but aren't allowed to say anything?
Thats exactly what I'm saying. It could be one of the other maps that they're working on. Also, wasn't the map editor just a rumor too? I hate to believe it, but I think that it's just another map that Bungie is working on. Don't take this wrong though, I want a map editor, but theres no use in hoping for what most likely wont happen.
I read it. Even though they didn't deny a completely new map maker, It seems to me the blue grid is just another map. But who knows though (expect Bungie).
Yes I did, I even responded to your post. I'm just saying that they might just not be mentioning anything just to keep people looking. Anyways, all we need to do is wait till next month. It's sooner than we all think. Too bad they're waiting till the 16th to release the update and such...
Its not a new map. They stated in previous Updates that when they make a new map, its a grey canvas not a techno trans electronic dance floor canvas.
Thats true. Now that I'm thinking about it, Bungie wouldn't use a grid for making a map. They're way to skilled to need a grid... It kind of all adds together.
Well, I'm through with Bungies bullshit. You can read my final words on the B.net forums here: Click! I hope that this will bring attention to other players, and even the staff, that people will not be teased and lied to.
I'm sure they didn't really care about one small post. I looked on there and I didn't even see a response to your post by another member. I did notice however that there is an employee looking at the topic.
I'm not saying that my single post will make an impact. Hell, 3 million people can't even make one, and look where Halo is going. COD4 is back on top of the charts (yet I refuse to play it) and I guarantee you that a lot of the new COD4 players are from Halo 3. Plus with all of the good games coming this fall/winter of 2008, Bungie better come up with something quick, because I'm losing my ****ing patience.
Yeah, honestly, I don't know what they think they are going to accomplish by teasing fans like that. I don't think they could've made that without realizing the implications that came with it. Halo 3 is a great game, and Bungie is also amazing, but they might be setting the standard for themselves too high. If a studio that doesn't spend any time improving game already released did something similar to what Bungie did, nobody would really care. But now people believe that Bungie would do that stuff, so they HAVE to follow up, otherwise this happens. EDIT: Jugg: link?
Halo 3 is almost year old it can't last forever and halo 2 lasted very long because it was the only game on Xbox. Most fanboys realize that there isn't any other games. We're lucky we keep getting maps, other games don't receive updates.