The Mayans have left but their traps are still set. Fight through the traps and steal their gold (flag). Middle Temple Defenders Temple Attackers Temple Ritual of Fire Overview 1 Overview 2 Overview 3 Overview 4 Overview 5 Inside Ritual of fire Attackers temple up close and personal Smaller Temple Inside the smaller temple is an active camo with a trap. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing ^^Map Variant^^ : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing ^^Game Variant^^
nice map, love the interlocking and the way it looks..i probably wont download because im close to my limit but 4/5
this looks alot like some type of ruin, and you sure filled most of the map wit stuff but i think you could edit this alot. you can put the walls neater so you can use less money and walls for example. 4/5 overall
Nice map! 4.75/5 One problem, The gun turrets, Their too overpowering for the attcking team, Heres what I would do, Delete the attackers gun turret and keep the defenders one, Change symmetry so ASYMMETRIC so it will only be in games like 1 - Flag and 1 - Bomb and respawn rate Never or 180 sec and this not a causual map, its competitive. Pretty cool though!!
Agreed this map looks awesome and their are close to no open space! Lots of cover is provided which is a plus on the map and the interlocking is superb! Great map! 5/5! Keep up the great maps!
this looks really cool, I like the roofs on the buildings, very good interlocking, the middle temple reminds me of warlock on halo 2, good job, things could be a bit neater 4/5, but it's more than playable
Ooh very nice. I don't know if this would be playable or not, but this is very aesthetic. Nice job on the map, it does look like the ruins.
looks good and youve achieved the "ruin" image but i think the interlocking could of been cleaner and used to increased efficency. A bit of geomerging wouldnt of gone a miss 4/5
All the buildings and dezigns... This map looks very cool. I'll definately download and try it. This looks like a definate 5/5
wow there are alot of neat features in this map and i especially like the circle like thingy but the center structure looks more chinese than anything