headshotzz high elevation is good for quick easy and silent kills with the sniper. this map is recomended for team games(not ffa) 2v2--3v3--4v4 when you play team slayer make sure you have primary weapon sniper and secondary battle rifle- i did have a little help making the stair tower right in the middle. this guys forgehub account is zoner117 (note this level may seem nooby because of all the weapons try it out first and you will see it is very fun) HERES THE LINK--http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=24701098 weapons 2x assault rifles 10x battle rifles 1x shotgun 1x rocket launcher 8x beam rifle(right at spawn in case you prefer alian snipers :]) 2x swords 8x plasma grenades 4x spike grenades 4x firebomb grenades 2x buble shield 2 power drains 2x regenerators 1x flare back left back right middle some action bottom middle
copy the link into the adress bar idk what happend i did it all right its just the link wont work so copy it into the adress bar sry for the inconveince
if you guys still cant get it go on bungie.net type my gamertag in--A pOiSoNeD BR it will be in my fileshare
For one, don't triple post. Hell, don't DOUBLE post. Use the EDIT button at the bottom to change your post. To embed a hyperlink, use the appropriate button on the taskbar when you're posting your comment (looks kind like the earth with a chain link over it). Highlight whatever you want the link to say, then click that button and copy paste the link there. As for your map, it doesn't look to bad. Looks like it has a whole lot of long hallways and high elevations for sniping, so it's good at what it does. Some of the interlocking and whatnot could use a little work, but all in all not too bad. 3/5 Welcome to ForgeHub!
Some parts look a little sloppy. I see you know how to interlock, so you should do it more often. It makes everything look smoother. Also, welcome to forgehub.
I have a blog on a how to make the link. It will show you how to make a link but without the hyperlink stuff.my blog is here
Aesthetically, its not the mopst beautiful map althought I like the three power ups all merged and stuff but the gameplay (which is the most important) looks like it would run quite well! Nice and decent map!
Good map. I like the stair structure. LOLOL I still love the layout and symmetric parts of the map 5/5 lol.
i like how you said its good for silent kills and then three pictures down someone is getting rocketed
welcome to forgehub. this is a nice map and little sloppy. But you do know what aseteics are so thats good. nice map altogether. (i know i probiblt spelt Asetics wrong, i spell it differently every time i type it.)