Echo-347 Echo-347 crashed in this mysterious canyon. A deadly presence lies here, ready to strike at any moment... Created by ARustySpoon117. Tested by ARustySpoon117, Gebr Jar Bobat and kaine rano. Description Ever since I first saw Valhalla in Forge I knew I could involve the crashed Pelican in a story somehow. I've started at least twenty maps on Valhalla, but were later deleted because they were unbalanced or too sloppy. Yes, this idea is now very unoriginal, and I have seen a couple of maps like this. Yet each map I've seen usually has fifty shotguns in each base, several turrets, falling fusion coils and a single Zombie spawn point. This ends up in an extremely unbalanced game with the zombies being spawn killed, and even if they escape, are shredded apart by the turrets. I have fixed this by giving the humans limited weapons and ammunition and a single turret, and giving the infected numerous spawn points and even some cover thrown in. Also, the turret can only fire at half of the map (the side with the most cover), allowing the Zombie to often sneak around. In the screenshots we are using a gametype called "Flood Outbreak" which my friend Gebr made. I still need to ask him if I could post it up here, so for now make do with your own gametypes. (Save One Bullet is a rather good gametype. Just allow weapon pickup) PS. If your a human when the game begins, look up slightly, and get ready to dodge. Story A few hours after High Charity crashed on the Ark, the Flood had already spread across most of the land. Echo-347, who was extracting UNSC forces from Flood infested zones, was shot down over an uninfected peice of land by the Flood. The surviving crew have managed to scavenge what is left of the weapon supplies, and have spotted a structure by a waterfall nearby. Some Marines have sighted Flood forms in the area, so be prepared for an attack. Screenshots If you didn't read the stuff above (I doubt you did), then you'll miss out on some important information. But whatever, here are the screenshots. Crash Site / Human Starting Spawn / Zombie Respawn Crash Site w/ Mongoose (Mongoose comes towards you at an angle, not straight down) Infected Starting Spawn (Infected respawn around the map in the caves) The Human Base Destroyed Outpost Drop Pod (Drop Pod & Shotgun Spawn Every 45 Seconds) Umm... overview? Download Download Map
pre dlc? thats new, seems like a cool infection map, the bases look slightly different, and its a job well done with the available resources, but as always, plus the man cannons have been overloaded, so i wonder how that makes the map play. one of the better pre dlc maps i've seen. nice job. 3/5
I've seen this before, or maybe just the same premise. I do believe that you went further than any other Human VS. Zombie map I've seen. 3/5 good job!
Looks pretty cool. Nice job using a non-DLC map too. Looks pretty good, I like the way you put crates and stuff around the crashed Pelican. Nice Forging! 4/5 Is there weapons around the crashed Pelican to? Or are they scattered around the Map? Anyways I'm going to download and test it.
pre dlc FTW! looks like a good infection map. I like the debris you put around the pelican for the "lost" feeling. 4/5.
can some one answer this for me,in one of the pictures showing the base with the water behide it is that a hornet behide it in the water
Oh yes, the Hornet. I have tried anything possible to get in it, and I can't. It's outside the barrier. Don't worry. Also, thank you for all the great comments!
a great pre-dlc map makes a nice change to play a map thats keep the essence of the original map without it being completely changed with immovable objects in the dlc maps 3.5/5
Pretty unique making a map on valhalla, good idea. It's a good map for infection but not much people use it because the item list is horrible. No big boxes or anything . 4/5.
Thank you. I was surprised that even my friends liked it, and we played it for a few hours yesterday.
im glad that you made a map that is "Old Skool!" and on vallhalla, good job. and i like the falling mongoose, that makes it seem like a crash.
Looks pretty ok.. 4/5, I remember trying to make a map based off the crashed pelican heh..didnt all