Hey, When I get bored of matchmaking I love to play a nice custom game. But since Foundry came out, Infection is the only custom game I EVER see on my friends list. Also not to be stereotypical here but It seems to me the Party leader for infection is almost always a 10 year old who will boot anyone who kills him or boot the last man standing for being the last man standing or just wants to be plain mean. Now, When the words "Objective" is blasted into the ears of the the party leader he will instantly say something like "CTF is for n00bs" or "Im going to boot you now". It annoys me that no one ever plays any objective games. On a side note, If you love custom games and like to "open" yourself to a wide variety of custom games then please, Please (BEGGING YOU) to add me. My GT is maddflash. Id really love to play a decent game of CTF. thanks for reading
It seems you have nothing but squeaker/nubs on your friends list as everyone on mine is willing to play anything but infection. It depends on your friends, and you've got the wrong ones.
Some of my friends are overly agressive with slayer, Wanting snipers all the time as a primary weapon.....
i love FUN infection games, but with a even stonger passion, i love swat, but my brother will never play anything but infection, which annoys me, but at 9 PM estern my litlle brother has to go to bed and im free til 11, but beware, im only 11
I dont hate infection. I just hate the games that give the zombies no advantage what so ever. I just really want some awesome CTF games to play.