Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing this is the blue duk from the pre-game lobby vids on youtube. i dont hav any screen shots so soz bout that ok so iv tryed to put shots on but "epic fail" so very sorry bout that. this map works with all game types. and basicly on 1 of the sylos there is a gient blue duk that spews out fusion coils and i added a man cannon so u can get up on top of it.
I'm sorry to tell you this, but there are soooooo many things wrong with this post. Emebed pictures of your map, a discription, Gametypes, if there arent any. For pictures there is a thread in customer service you could check out, it will help. Welcome to forgehub
Please view the posting rules before actually posting. Add a description, pics, link that doesn't advertise the forums to bungie, and...and...just read the mandatory posting rules.
hey dude can u send me this map like reccomend it to me like to frends on xboxlive my GT:TAS MEANGREENE
ok, you can leave this kid alone know, and whoever rated it one star, your not funny, or cool. listen kid. if you have pics for the map, send me the link to your bnet screenshots and i'll embed them for you, and nomore, needs pics comments, or the wraith of stin will be upon you.
OK I'm uploading the pictures for anti snipe Side View Back View there you go mate, welcome to forge hub
did you try to remake it or did you just copy it? i think you can't play anything on it so i think it should go in asetec maps. but if you somehow proveme wrong...
decent map butt you need pics thats the only problem file share kool Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share