A symmetrical competitive map intended for team slayer with 2-8 players. Also can be used with CTF. P.S. First posted map... check lower 4 pics Download Here:Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
screens are broken, please fix. save the image to your computer, and embed them using photobucket. Welcome to forgehub.
Welcome to forgehub your pictures arent working. please read the articles on "how to post maps" and "how to embed pictures" go to imageshack.us to post your pictures.
Nobody else tell him that it isn't up to standards from here please. Just add pics and i suggest a more in-depth description of your potentially awesome map as well. Happy Forging!
Work on the pics, try Free Image Hosting at FreeImageHosting.net - Upload Images for MySpace, Blogs, and Galleries I find it the best.
well, now that pics are up, i'll comment, i want a better pic of that bridge thing. it looks well made, the map seems well thought out, but kinda small, but if there was an overview of the map, i might be able to tell. so layout, 4/5 is it escapable, no, or so it seems. 4/5 gameplay, i'll get back to you on that, ?/5 neatness, 3/5. theres some interlocking, but more is needed. overall. 3.5/5 here are his pics, more are on the way.
No the pictures are not working... Please refrain from posting in this until the post is fixed! You guys have already told him a million and four times so just stop! Its obnoxious...
They obviously aren't because they aren't embedded. Don't give yourself 5 stars on Bungie.net, it's lame. And really, would it hurt to have read the rules before posting? Whatever, just maybe next time ask around or do some research.
well there up, i think, the pics were acting weird, so they may not work, but i can see them, there on my previous post.