Hey... I've been using photoshop for a while but I still can't figure out the pen tool. Can someone create or post a tut for me?
Well, I don't have a tut, but I'll find one for you if you'd like. Basically just mess around with it until you get the general gist of using it. That's how I figured out. Pentool Tut Thars a tut I found at Planet Renders v3 It was NOT MADE BY ME!
If you want a tutorial for pen tool so you can make wisps, don't bother. Wisps are terrible, terrible things.
Ugh. Trust me, wisps destroy flow. And after the first few times using them you wish you knew how to do better things with them.
The pen tool is HARD as **** to master. Don't doubt that. But, it's one of the things that when you do master it, it's an amazing tool to use. After so much work on my part, I gained a good knowledge of the pen tool and was able to make stuff like this: And even those are pretty simple examples of pentooling.
Thats probably true but still... I want to add them to my newest sig (Featured on another thread thats called New Sig and I need Help).
I think the pen tool is overrated in how difficult people say it is. I didn't find it too hard to learn.
All this Pen Tool controversy and I'm still caught in the middle dazed, confused and unable to use the pen tool.