The True Swat Map Pack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Beyond Skill198, Aug 20, 2008.

  1. Beyond Skill198

    Beyond Skill198 Ancient
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    The True Swat Map Pack::

    The following three maps are maps that I have been working on for a LONG time now. I've had the idea for each map since before the release of Suite #205 and now finally I get to share my vision for these maps. THIS POST IS GOING TO BE DIFFERENT THAN ANY OTHER MAP POST ON THIS SITE. Instead of following the normal, "here are some pictures and a description," I made an entire storyline that goes along with these maps. READ THROUGH THE STORY, THE PICTURES GO ALONG WITH THE STORY. The story is split up into three parts, each part has a map and a gametype to go along with it. If you want to play through the story yourself, go in order. Hopefully someone read this and understands what I'm trying to do with this post. As far as I know I am the only one who has ever tried something like this.

    The True Swat Map Pack Youtube Preview::

    Don't want to read a buncha words? At least watch this quick preview of the maps.

    If the link doesn't show up click here.

    Map 1: SUITE #205 V1.1
    _ Featured gametype, True Swat CTF (2v2)
    - Original Forge Hub Post

    Map 2: Club Impulse
    - Featured Gametype (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!), True Swat 1 VIP (3v3)
    - Original Forge Hub Post

    Map 3: The Source
    - Featured Gametype, Team Swat (4v4)
    - Original Forge Hub Post

    Story/ Campaign Mode::

    PART 1: Suite #205 with 4 people on the game varient True Swat CTF

    “Francis. Are you listening?”

    “Oh yeah, sorry,” You reply as you look back into the helicopter after peering out over the residential area that surrounds you.

    “As I was saying, There has been a huge outbreak of drug use all over the state, It’s worse than ever before. We’ve got a lead from one of the bigger dealers in the area. His name is Jose Ramirez; he lives In Suite #205 in the Eastmont Complex. He has two very well trained guards who keep watch around the place all day long. We need infiltrate the building, and retrieve the info hidden inside a flag hanging up at the bottom floor of the building.”

    You start to peer out over the millions of houses you are flying over and feel the wind pounding against you.

    “Ramirez is out right now so we should be able to do this whole mission without him even knowing...”

    The helicopter starts to descend over a very expensive looking Suite, Your chief takes the rope first, and you follow him down. You are immediately ready for any confrontation with the guards. You check and make sure that your BR55HB SR Battle Rifle is ready and start to follow the chief to the edge of the roof.

    “Why didn’t the guards hear the Helicopter?” You ask the Chief.

    “The buildings around here are built with noise resistant walls, because of all the air traffic from the nearby airport. As long as the guards weren’t outside, they probably didn’t hear a thing.”


    The chief pulls out some rope and you both slide down on queue. You then stack up on the second story door and enter the building from the deck. The inside of the building is quite bare, as if Ramirez had just moved in, barely furnished.



    You accidentally tip over a tall vase that you were walking by, and the chief immediately looks around for some sort of way to hide from the quickly advancing guards. He finds a trapdoor in the ceiling and rips it open. As he climbs up ladder you hear the footsteps of the guards right behind you. You scramble up the ladder but don’t have enough time to shut the trap door. As you peek through the trap door you see one guard examining the vase as the other guard is keeping watch for the intruders.

    “Hey, did you know there was an atti…”

    A silenced shot immediately stops him from completing his sentence. The other guard is up on his feet and starts shooting at the ceiling. Bullets rip through the thin plywood into the attic itself and you see the chief trying to get a better angle on the guard.

    All of a sudden the guard starts to run around the corner and down the stairs.

    “He probably realized he was outnumbered, and is probably calling Ramirez right now.” The chief says to you. You follow the chief out of the attic and approach the stairs at the back of the room. You watch the right side and the chief takes the left. So far, no sign of the guard. You and the chief both go left at the bottom of the stairs, you watching his backside. He circles around the corner and says, “Clear”.


    As you approach the front door, the chief finds the evidence and carries it, now you are responsible for both of your lives.

    You feel the breeze coming out of the open door and decide to peek around the corner to the backyard.

    Suddenly shots fly past your face and you immediately run to the other side of the building. The guard was still shooting the left door as the compressed shot rips through his head.


    You and the chief then ascend to the roof for evac…

    PART 2: Club Impulse with 6 players on True Swat 1 VIP

    “… The info inside the flag has shown a tie to the owner of the dance club on the south side of town, Club Impulse. Because of the raucous in Suite #205, He will surely be ready and waiting for an attack on him. We have to leave now and go before he receives reinforcements. According to our calculations you will have approximately one minute before reinforcements arrive, starting at the time you touch the ground. We will drop you off in the parking lot in front of the Club, and you will then have to choose to either go up into the ventilation shafts or to just go in through the front door. Either way, get in there and kill the owner, take his cell phone, and get out of there. Private Williams will accompany you on this mission. Good Luck.”

    This is crazy, you think, it has been just a few minutes since your last mission and you already have to go into an even more intense mission where you will surely encounter gun fights? You can’t wait for the day to be over.

    “You have one minute starting…. NOW, Go, Go, Go!”

    As your feet touch the ground you start to run toward the door of the Club. Private Williams is right behind you. You had planned it out already; the chief would sneak in through shafts while you and Williams distract them in the front.


    A shot flew past you from the windows above and you dive behind a column. Williams takes the right side of the columns and you both advance at the same pace. A guard pops out of the left door and fires right at you but luckily your cover blocks the shots. Williams has a clear shot on your guard and efficiently takes him out. You both go in the openings into the back rooms of the club. You spot the Owner in the corner opposite you but he pulls the trigger before you. A steady stream of shots rips past you and you are completely pinned down. Apparently the same is true for Williams because a second set of shots is now going. It’s all up to the chief now…



    All of a sudden a machine gun stops, followed by the other, and you come out from your corner to see the chief standing over the Owner’s body.


    He quickly searches him and retrieves the phone and you start running for the front door…

    PART 3: The Source with 8 players on Team Swat

    … A few days later…

    You are now in an armored Swat Vehicle driving towards the West side of town. The Owners cell phone apparently showed transactions between a factory, which seems to be the Source of the problem. Your vehicle, along with many other vehicles, are heading towards that factory right now. It’s going to be an all out war in there, the drug lords know its coming and have ramped up security by tenfold. It has been estimated that they are the very best guards money can buy and that approximately half of your team will die. Your mission is simple. Eliminate all hostiles and shut down the factory for good.

    Your truck pulls up to the factory and your team unloads and prepares for combat. About nine other trucks pull in behind your truck. You enter into back hallways and hear gunshots already. You see the conveyer belt with boxes passing along and you hide in one the open crates, ready for shipment. You spot a hostile on top of the offices and attempt to pick him off. Your first shot misses and is returned by a few shots. You sneak out the other side of the box and sprint behind the machine.


    You climb onto the second story of the storage shelves and are somehow not seen by the guards. You line up a shot on him and take him out with a shot to the head…


    … About ten minutes later, it’s over; you have managed to survive the whole fight, although many were not so lucky. The drug problem has been stopped and living has gone back to normal. The END.

    Extra pictures that don't go with the story::








    Links Again::
    Map 1: SUITE #205 V1.1
    _ Featured gametype, True Swat CTF (2v2)
    - Original Forge Hub Post

    Map 2: Club Impulse
    - Featured Gametype (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!), True Swat 1 VIP (3v3)
    - Original Forge Hub Post

    Map 3: The Source
    - Featured Gametype, Team Swat (4v4)
    - Original Forge Hub Post

    - Read the post and understands these maps... (will anyone??)
    - Downloads and rates my maps/gametypes
    - Was patient with me fixing my post, because for some reason the tab button posts your thread.
    - Who plays 3v3 True Swat 1VIP on Club Impulse (It's a ton of fun trust me.)
    #1 Beyond Skill198, Aug 20, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2008
  2. drak

    drak Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yo try wraping code tags around those long things...kinda shortens the full length of the post, and adds quality
  3. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow this looks like an awesome SWAT map pack. There seems to be a lot of cover which is ultra important in SWAT. Frankly, I like Rat's Nest in BTB, but the SWAT version sucks. This looks way better than something like that. Great job here.

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Other Then the writing. The map looks very interesting from what i saw on the pics and video. it seems like it have a very swat/counter strike feel too me. With the vents and the standing bairrers looks like the game play would be balanced. Awsome Job
  5. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, you put ALOT of work into that post, you must really like your maps. I may have to download, but for the simple reason you put so much work into it, and it looks good, I give you 5/5 and good rep.
  6. monkeyrantz

    monkeyrantz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow... this is a great, map pack. i am going to bookmark this for later. lololol, no room on my box. +rep though, the maps are great!
  7. macpatterson

    macpatterson Ancient
    Senior Member

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    feature this now! all three of these maps are VERY well made, play well, and fit into an overall theme. although they are intended for swat they are playable on many other game types. sweet. + rep for kicking ass.
  8. DxHydra

    DxHydra Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the main thing i want this map pack for is because the story it was awsome!
    and the maps feel like a factory or a suite BUT they also play extreamly well
    with swat amazing job dude + rep for sure
  9. Echo SQ Leader

    Echo SQ Leader Ancient
    Senior Member

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    you got my dl on each level, love em all, all=5/5
  10. Echo

    Echo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cool I like SWAT a lot. I'm going to download these so me and my friends have some news maps to play on.
  11. SiR Shmo0pY

    SiR Shmo0pY Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice map dude it looks like you put alot of time into each one of them and the result is simply amazing
  12. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Fantastic maps all of them are, but i have to say i like the way the source is i like it reminds me alot of wetwork from cod4. i love the interlocking a goelocking on it too. 4/5
  13. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No doubt, I'll crap animals if this isn't featured.

    Absolutely beautiful, my friend. Seriously, I formulate an opinion that doesn't end with multiple superlative synonyms to "SWEET!"

    I love SWAT. I love maps aimed for a certain gametype. I hate map packs, but I love someone who can take a normally-bad thing and make it =perfection.

    I will download all of these maps, and I will make sweet, sweet love to them down by the fire. Great job, bro! Keep it up.

    ##1337 MAP IZ 1337##
    #13 dented_drum, Aug 21, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2008
  14. Beyond Skill198

    Beyond Skill198 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Tried this but, I wanted the pictures to correspond to the text and so I stuck with it the way it is.

    Yeah the Swat 1 vip does take some inspiration from counter strike, thanks for the comment.

    I appreciate all the people who gave me rep for this, and hope you enjoy the maps.

    Yay someone understands the overall theme and that they are not just for swat! thanks for the rep too!

    Thanks for reading the story, it was long, but hopefully worth the read. Thanks for the rep.

    Thanks for all the support. As for being featured, I really doubt it, but that'd be very cool. My maps don't have the shock value that most featured maps have, like "holy crap how did someone make this." My maps are, for the most part, using 90 degree angles which is the easiest way to forge.

    On my newest map, I'm finding out how freaking hard it is to make curved surfaces and stuff like that. Anyways, I appreciate everyone's support so far.
  15. Drummerboy198

    Drummerboy198 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    These are the best maps ever made!
  16. Snipermaster

    Snipermaster Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Great story, awesome maps, insanely good job. I liked every part. It really shows that you have put a lot of effort into this whole thing, and it turned out amazing. But really, that was awesome.
  17. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    one word for this map
    the post makes my brain bleed out through my eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    - for the post
  18. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    club impulse and the source are two favorites of mine.

    club impulse has a sweet layout, and lets not forget about those sexy fencewall stairs. shotgun in the center is sweet. most people wouldve wussed out and used maulers.

    the source i was reluctant to like, but you managed to do the office building feel perfectly. usually when someone tries to make like buildings or things of that nature, it never feels right. you placed the windows perfectly and the whole layout of that half is perfect. the rest of the map is cool, but i forget about it since i spend my whole time near the shotgun spawn/offices.
  19. Beyond Skill198

    Beyond Skill198 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Lol... I hope you didn't like the post because the text was hard to read. I changed that now.

    Thanks for the complements. Always feels extra good to get compliments from the 1337 forgers.
  20. PhantomBishop

    PhantomBishop Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks like a great map pack i love swat so ill definatley download!

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