go to bungie.net and look at the most recent update, 2/1/08. in the background is a map i believe ive never seen before, so its probobly a new one! :squirrel_wtf: it looks cool
yea it looks different...iinda look like an old JKA map i remember but i hope its not lol....maybe this is OK Corral?
It is tombstone. I am willing to bet your mother that it is. It has nothing to do with the new map, it just is there.
Map of Update Background: Tombstone: [img width=800 height=450]http://www.gamerawr.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/03/halo2_tombstone.jpg[/img] Its definatly not a new map, its just a picture of Tombstone.
Well one thing to do is watch the Bungie Staffs recent games. I got some pictures of the Heroic maps no one had found by clicking the game viewer. If a new map pops up we have ourselves some possibly unseen pics.
That was tombstone, the hang em high remake in h2. I actually thought it was a good remake although no one else seemed to.
the question is, where does this picture come in? is it just totally random? or maybe it has relevance to the new pack...
LOL I posted in another thread my suspiscion that the new map mentioned is hang em high partially due to that pic, but also what they said about it.