I'm not that great at original maps... I might try it next time but I don't know... I would have to make an Infection map with fancy switches or something otherwise, I'm not very good at forging other than Foundry, Standoff, and Avalanche
Eh... Not so much... Like I'm barely good at forging regularly so idk... I love last resort... When is the deadline?
Hey I submitted my map. Also Knight, the best way the make maps on pre-dlc maps is simply to find one area and then block it off. Then add scenery and whatnot the spice it up.
Yeah I guess... Idk... I don't have live and I have nothing to do tomorrow so I might give it a shot... Its probably gonna suck but oh well...
Haha so I started it and like I'm enclosing part of this map and it seems impossible! I have been working on it for like two hours and its almost done but it looks sloppy cuz it isn't interlocked... If you are expecting a great map than lower your hopes... Its alright though... I'm excited to see how it turns out though...
Well, im interested in seeing all of your creations. There hasnt been a good Last Resort map in ages!
Yea Im a little worried that there wont be anymore. Theres only 3, and one of them is disqualified for not being on Last Resort or Being Slayer.
Nope I will tomorrow though... Should I post it in the map section than like send you a link to the post?
Might I make a suggestion for next time around? Broaden your theme to include more variability of gametypes. In other words, use themes like competitive, casual, mini-game. If your focus is to induce originality, limiting the gametype severely cripples the cause. What map you build on/what map geometry you forge is only half of forge itself. Gametype manipulation is the other, equal half. Broadening the gametype to allow more types should greatly increase originality, as well as boost submissions a bit I feel. I hope you'll take this into consideration for next time around. Oddly enough, I just started forging a pre-DLC map just a couple hours ago! So this really interests me. Its not on Last Resort, so I won't be able to enter this time, but maybe one of these times I'll sneak into one of these, if it fits into my forging schedule! Cheers for the great competition!
Lightsout- Thanks for your great feedback! In response, I chose a general, simple theme like Team Slayer only because it was easy to comprehend and think about. This is only the first round, remember. I have numerous future events planned, and these will have other themes as well. However, when you think about it... is "Team Slayer" really that "crippling" to gameplay? Not at all! I has explanation plz? ty. When I say Team Slayer, I have completely left it up to the players to decide what to make. I did not say that it had to be the DEFAULT Team Slayer, did I? So many fantastic, wondefully creative and unique maps can be made just with the simple guideline of Team Slayer. You can make a map entirely themed on players only being able to use a certain kind of weapon to kill eachother. You can make a map where everyone has super speed but is very weak, and therefore gameplay would be compiled of Hit-And-Run scenes with players leaping around and then scurrying to safety. Possibilities are endless. Also, I will tell you that the "Theme" isnt always going to be a gametype... MUHAHAHAH. Fer Cereal tho, I have some crazy things planned. However, I might not end up executing these planned contests, as nobody has really shown much interest. I look at Tex's Lazy Mapmaker Contest, and he has 24 entries, I believe, some of them major FH mods and Highly Ranked people. I know, I checked. I has 4 entries. Meh. Still, I enjoyed hosting this one, and I'm glad I brought 4 people back to their Pre-DLC roots. I would also enjoy to see your submission, if its ever the right map. Thanks again for the nice feedback.
I agree with him. I coulda done a lot if it wasn't just Team Slayer... Mini Games are epic on Last Resort... Btw, What time do I need to post it by tomorrow?