Hello fellow forgers this new post will allow the people who have played my map Hurricane town V3 and V2 to share ideas about V3.5 and V4. so please share any ideas you have and i will reply. the basic layout i have so far for Hurricance town V3.5 is that hurricane townV3.5 is going to begin building and the map will basically have a Township feeling to it. have you played that map? its very fun. theres will be a 7min time limit and after 2 mins the zombies will be set loose. the people will search for weapons and hiding places in the 2 mins and try to survive. if people prefer the old fasion hurricane town ill make a better version of hurricane town V3, if not,.... ill make a better verion of both. ending up with a V4 and V4.5. any more ideas? maybe something completely different? just reply.
Can you fix the lag? That means breakable objects need to be limited so the map doesnt lag while playing with 5 players.